[Trilinos-Users] Installing Trilinos on Mac OS X 10.5

Matt Ball ball at brown.edu
Sat Oct 11 14:35:04 MDT 2008

I am an undergrad starting some research for my senior thesis at Brown  
I have been attempting to install Trilinos 9 onto my Macbook Pro,  
which is running OS X 10.5.5. Thus far, I have not been able to  
successfully configure Trilinos for installation.
The problem is exactly as described by one of the Building FAQs: "I am  
attempting to compile Trilinos on my Mac..." found at <http://trilinos.sandia.gov/faq.html#building_14 
To remedy the issue, I installed gcc so that Trilinos would be  
compiled using the gcc compilers, rather than the Apple-specific  
compilers (which are known to have issues). I am using version 4.3.1  
of gcc, g++, and gfortran, so the answer to the Trilinos FAQ does not  
help me. Has anyone had success with building and installing Trilinos  
9 on OS X 10.5? I would appreciate any help or suggestions.
The best email address to reply to is ball at brown.edu. Thanks!

- Matt Ball
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