[Trilinos-Users] az_reorder.f

Simone Deparis deparis at MIT.EDU
Sun Dec 4 21:36:33 MST 2005


I have the following question, probably a dummy one because I am not 
used to fortran notation:

in packages/aztecoo/src/az_reorder.f:184
we call
jstrt    = xadj(node)
jstop    = xadj(node + 1) - 1

(with,  node=1 in my case),
where xadj is decleared as a
integer xadj(1)
I do not understand why we can access xadj(2)
Is this correct?

Thank you
PS: I encounter a
Subscript out of range on file line 185, procedure 
Attempt to access the 2-th element of variable xadj.

when Epetra is compiled with bounds checking. I need to discover wheter 
this comes from my matrix or this piece of code.

                                     Simone Deparis
   .~.                               Mechanical Engineering Dept
   /V\   L   I   N   U   X           77 Mass Ave Room 3-264
  // \\  =================           Cambridge MA 02139
/(   )\                             USA
phone :  +1 617 452 3285  mailto:deparis at mit.edu
fax   :  +1 617 258 8559  http://www.mit.edu/~deparis

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