[Trilinos-Users] Calculation of eigenvalues of an Epetra_CrsMatrix fails when using Ifpack

Roland Richter roland.richter at ntnu.no
Thu Oct 3 11:19:05 EDT 2019


I am trying to calculate the eigenvalues of a given matrix (jacobian of
a system) by using the attached code (with system_matrix containing the
jacobian). Now two questions arose:

-> When using the preconditioner Ifpack (as suggested in an example),
the solver never converges. Without the preconditioner the solver
converges, but slowly (for a simple poisson equation)
-> When calculating the eigenvalues for the poisson equation, the
largest eigenvalues are negative, but for the heat equation the largest
eigenvalues are positive, indicating an unstable system. Did I do
something wrong here?




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