[Trilinos-Users] compiling Zoltan under windows

Devine, Karen D kddevin at sandia.gov
Fri Jul 26 17:01:33 EDT 2019

Hi Joan.

All the errors you are seeing are due to MPI_Datatypes or MPI_Op.  Perhaps Microsoft defines them differently from, say, OpenMPI.

Since you are running in  Windows, do you really need MPI?  If not, the simplest fix may be to disable MPI in your builds (TPL_ENABLE_MPI=OFF in CMake).

If you need MPI, can you tell which mpi.h file is being compiled into Zoltan and your application code?  Zoltan provides stubs in zoltan/siMPI/....  If you enable MPI, these stubs should NOT be compiled into your code.  If both Microsoft MPI and these stubs were compiled in, or if the build system used different mpi.h files for different parts of the code, I could imagine getting redefinition messages.

Beyond that, I'll have to ask some colleagues with Windows experience for advice.  Windows is not a strongly supported platform for Zoltan, and I have no Windows machines on which to reproduce your error or test a solution.


From: Trilinos-Users <trilinos-users-bounces at trilinos.org> on behalf of Joan Baiges <joan.baiges at upc.edu>
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2019 3:59 AM
To: trilinos-users at trilinos.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Trilinos-Users] compiling Zoltan under windows

I am trying to compile Zoltan under windows, but I get some errors in Visual Studio. I am using Intel xe 2019 compilers, visual studio 2017, and Microsoft MPI.

Following the instructions on the website, from the commandline terminal I use cmake on my build directory MY_BUILD:


This seems to work fine (compilers are found, mpi is found), and it generates the visual studio project files, which I can then open with visual studio.

However, when in Visual studio I select to build the project, after compiling several files I get the following errors:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2373 'Zoltan_RCB_box_merge': redefinition; different type modifiers zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\rcb\rcb.c 1341
Error C2373 'Zoltan_PartDist_MPIOp': redefinition; different type modifiers zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\lb\lb_balance.c 1103
Error C2373 'Zoltan_bisector_merge': redefinition; different type modifiers zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\par\par_bisect.c 1254
Error C2373 'Zoltan_RB_median_merge': redefinition; different type modifiers zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\par\par_median.c 588
Error C2440 'function': cannot convert from 'void (__cdecl *)(void *,void *,int *,MPI_Datatype *)' to 'MPI_User_function (__stdcall *)' zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\phg\phg_match.c 762
Error C2440 'function': cannot convert from 'void (__cdecl *)(void *,void *,int *,MPI_Datatype *)' to 'MPI_User_function (__stdcall *)' zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\phg\phg_match.c 1571

Are some of my options wrong? Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you for your help,

Joan Baiges
Ph.D. Civil Engineer
T.(+34) 93 401 1049
C/ Gran Capità, s/n, Campus Nord UPC, Ed. C1, Despatx 112B
08034 - Barcelona - Spain

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