[Trilinos-Users] compiling Zoltan under windows

Joan Baiges joan.baiges at upc.edu
Fri Jul 26 05:59:57 EDT 2019

I am trying to compile Zoltan under windows, but I get some errors in
Visual Studio. I am using Intel xe 2019 compilers, visual studio 2017, and
Microsoft MPI.

Following the instructions on the website, from the commandline terminal I
use cmake on my build directory MY_BUILD:


This seems to work fine (compilers are found, mpi is found), and it
generates the visual studio project files, which I can then open with
visual studio.

However, when in Visual studio I select to build the project, after
compiling several files I get the following errors:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C2373 'Zoltan_RCB_box_merge': redefinition; different type modifiers
zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\rcb\rcb.c 1341
Error C2373 'Zoltan_PartDist_MPIOp': redefinition; different type modifiers
zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\lb\lb_balance.c
Error C2373 'Zoltan_bisector_merge': redefinition; different type modifiers
zoltan D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\par\par_bisect.c
Error C2373 'Zoltan_RB_median_merge': redefinition; different type
modifiers zoltan
D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\par\par_median.c 588
Error C2440 'function': cannot convert from 'void (__cdecl *)(void *,void
*,int *,MPI_Datatype *)' to 'MPI_User_function (__stdcall *)' zoltan
D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\phg\phg_match.c 762
Error C2440 'function': cannot convert from 'void (__cdecl *)(void *,void
*,int *,MPI_Datatype *)' to 'MPI_User_function (__stdcall *)' zoltan
D:\Joan\Feina\Trilinos-master\packages\zoltan\src\phg\phg_match.c 1571

Are some of my options wrong? Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you for your help,

*Joan Baiges*Ph.D. Civil Engineer
T.(+34) 93 401 1049
C/ Gran Capità, s/n, Campus Nord UPC, Ed. C1, Despatx 112B
08034 – Barcelona – Spain
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