[Trilinos-Users] result of belos iterative solver depends on number of processors

Joachim Wuttke j.wuttke at fz-juelich.de
Tue Jun 27 03:27:02 EDT 2017

> ... for certain input data the number of processes determines
> whether or not the solver converges. Is this normal behavior, or
> indicative of yet another bug?

using CrsMatrix2MATLAB from
I find that the number of processors affects the
internal order of the sparse matrix:

with one processor
A(5,2) = -4;
A(5,5) = 5.41421;
A(5,6) = 2.82843;
A(5,7) = -1.41421;
A(5,8) = 0.585786;

with two processors
A(5,5) = 5.41421;
A(5,6) = 2.82843;
A(5,7) = -1.41421;
A(5,8) = 0.585786;
A(5,2) = -4;

Why does this happen?
And how does it cause Belos::BlockGmresSolMgr to fail in case 2?

- Joachim

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