[Trilinos-Users] Epetra_VbrMatrix and Nox

Matt McGurn mcgurn at reaction-eng.com
Fri Feb 10 13:39:52 EST 2017


I was wondering if anybody has tried to use Epetra_VbrMatrix with the matrix free methods and finite differencing methods?

I start by creating a Epetra_BlockMap with my specified number of unknowns at each element.  When I set this to one everything appears to work.  However when increased I get a segmentation fault within the FiniteDifference::createGraphAndJacobian.  It looks like the FiniteDifference class is trying to create a Epetra_CrsMatrix with a BlockMap.  Should I be avoiding the FintieDifference.  Should I be pulling my Epetra_BlockMap from the wrapper class Epetra_VbrRowMatrix instead of the blockMap I created?  Or am I better off just avoiding the VBR matrix and doing the matrix myself.  Is there a good example of this anywhere?  Thanks for the help!


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