[Trilinos-Users] epetra_multivector bug related to int and int64

임재창 ljchang94 at kaist.ac.kr
Mon Feb 6 10:40:01 EST 2017

Dear trilinos developers and users,I am using epetra_multivector and epetra_crsmatrix to deal withdense matrix and sparse matrix respectively.I found a bug when I performed matrix multiplication between very large sparse matrix and very large dense matrix ,(this routine is done by calling Multiply function of epetra_crsmatrix)and the reason was LenExports which is member variable of epetra_multivector became negative.This is because integer can not express such a large value. (In my case LenExport is 2157251200 and it can not be expressed as int type)As a result, the program exit with error code.So anyone knows how to fix such a problem?And do trilinos developers have any plan to fix such a problem?Thank you
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