[Trilinos-Users] Build issues with SuiteSparse (UMFPACK)

Gerbi Antonello antonello.gerbi at epfl.ch
Tue Jan 6 10:37:06 MST 2015


I am a quite new Trilinos user (it is one of LifeV's dependencies, with which I'm working), and I experienced two issues in the build/install processes (using the tarball sources, version 11.12.1); I finally managed to solve both of them, and thought it was worth sharing my experience in this group!

I am working on a Debian Jessie workstation (kernel version 3.16.7), and using the do-configure script included at the end of the email.

Here are the issues:

1) When using the SuiteSparse libraries provided by Debian's repositories (i.e. sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev) the build process works with the option UMFPACK_LIBRARY_NAMES set to "umfpack;amd". In this case, subsequently building LifeV works out of the box.

On the other hand, when compiling+installing SuiteSparse from source, I had to modify that option so that it reads "umfpack;suitesparseconfig;cholmod;colamd;amd", otherwise LifeV's build fails at the linking stage (with errors such as "undefined reference to suitesparse_malloc").

The only reason I can think of which could explain such behavior is that SuiteSparse's Makefile only produces static libraries, while Debian's repositories provide the dynamic version too.

2) It seems that the make install command forgets to copy two .h files; for LifeV's compilation to succeed I also had to run "cp $TRILINOS_SOURCE_DIR/packages/teuchos/core/src/Teuchos_RCPBoostSharedPtrConversions* $TRILINOS_BUILD_DIR/include"

Has anybody else experienced these problems?

Thanks in advance!

do-configure script:



cmake \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Anasazi:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Belos:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Galeri:BOOL=OFF \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Isorropia:BOOL=OFF \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Kokkos:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ML:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_ThreadPool:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Zoltan:BOOL=ON \
    -D Trilinos_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS:STRING="-lpthread" \
    -D TPL_ENABLE_Pthread:BOOL=ON \
    -D BLAS_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=/usr/include/ \
    -D BLAS_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=/usr/lib/ \
    -D LAPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=/usr/include/ \
    -D HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=/usr/local/include/ \
    -D HDF5_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=/usr/local/lib/ \
    -D UMFPACK_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=/usr/local/include/ \
    -D UMFPACK_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=/usr/local/lib/ \
    -D UMFPACK_LIBRARY_NAMES:STRING="umfpack;suitesparseconfig;cholmod;colamd;amd" \
    -D MPI_BASE_DIR:PATH=/usr/lib/openmpi/ \
    -D MPI_BIN_DIR:PATH=/usr/bin \
    -D ParMETIS_LIBRARY_DIRS:PATH=/usr/local/lib \
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