[Trilinos-Users] CrsMatrix Transpose

Pate Motter pamo8800 at colorado.edu
Sun Feb 22 20:26:56 MST 2015


I am currently having segmentation faults when transposing a CrsMatrix
using the RowMatrixTransposer method mentioned in a previous email. For my
demo it it works for the serial version as well as mpiruns with 2 and 3
nodes. However, when running at > 3 the program segfaults at

It's completely possible that I may not have the problem set up correctly.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);
Platform& platform = Tpetra::DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform();
RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = rcp (new Teuchos::MpiComm<int>
RCP<NT> node = platform.getNode();

std::string filename("../large.mtx");
A = Tpetra::MatrixMarket::Reader<MAT>::readSparseFile(filename, comm, node,
Tpetra::RowMatrixTransposer<ST, LO, GO, NT> transposer(A);
B = transposer.createTranspose();

Thank you,
Pate Motter
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