[Trilinos-Users] Teuchos::RCPNode is not destroyed yet

Sunghwan Choi sunghwanchoi91 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 19:51:11 MST 2014

Dear all,

Hi, I am a tpetra user. I recently start to use Tpetra::HybridPlatform. My
code works fine but it gives a warning message, which means Teuchos::RCPNode
is constructed but not destroyed until program ended.

In my code, there is no explicit calling the constructor of RCPNode but only
call platform like



Teuchos::oblackholestream blackhole;

Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv,&blackhole);

Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm =


std::string machine_list(


        "  <ParameterList name='%1=0'>

        "    <Parameter name='NodeType' type='string'
value='KokkosClassic::OpenMPNode'/>       "

        "    <Parameter name='Verbose' type='int' value='1'/>

        "    <Parameter name='Num Threads' type='int' value='4'/>

        "  </ParameterList>





Tpetra::HybridPlatform platform(comm, machPL);


Here, I attach the warning message. If you have some useful information
about it, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Sunghwan Choi 


*** Warning! The following Teuchos::RCPNode objects were created but have

*** not been destroyed yet.  A memory checking tool may complain that these

*** objects are not destroyed correctly.


*** There can be many possible reasons that this might occur including:


***   a) The program called abort() or exit() before main() was finished.

***      All of the objects that would have been freed through destructors

***      are not freed but some compilers (e.g. GCC) will still call the

***      destructors on static objects (which is what causes this message

***      to be printed).


***   b) The program is using raw new/delete to manage some objects and

***      delete was not called correctly and the objects not deleted hold

***      other objects through reference-counted pointers.


***   c) This may be an indication that these objects may be involved in

***      a circular dependency of reference-counted managed objects.

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