[Trilinos-Users] [EXTERNAL] Best practices for parallel solutions?

Heroux, Michael A maherou at sandia.gov
Mon Dec 12 14:50:55 MST 2011


I think in your situation you would be better served by using the
Epetra_FECrsMatrix class.  It is specifically designed for this usage.

If you have trouble with FECrsMatrix, please let us know.


On 12/12/11 2:56 PM, "Paul Dionne" <pjd at cfdrc.com> wrote:

>I'd like to know the recommended practice for solving parallel linear
>systems.  I have an implicit finite-volume solver and thus I have ghost
>cell links during assembly.  I found a presentation entitled
>"HerouxEpetraConcepts.pptx" that suggested using an assembly map and a
>solver map.  After assembly, the following commands were given in the
>Epetra_Export Exporter(AssemblyMap, SolverMap);
>Epetra_CrsMatrix SolverMatrix(Copy, SolverMap, 0);
>SolverMatrix.Export(AssemblyMatrix, Exporter, Add);
>My problems are nonlinear so I solve the linear system several times each
>time step.  Thus, I was wondering about the efficiency and memory
>requirements of having 2 matrices and performing this matrix copy each
>time I solve.
>Is this the current recommended practice?
>I'd also like to know how best to get the ghost cell values after the
>solution (without doing it myself through MPI).  I'm trying to get it to
>work using Epetra_Export but not having much luck.
>Thanks for any assistance.
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