[Trilinos-Users] Unique enumeration of faces in STK mesh?

Peterson, Kara J. kjpeter at sandia.gov
Fri Aug 6 15:42:46 MDT 2010

Hi Mike,

This may not be of interest since you are using STK mesh, but there is an example driver:


which solves a div-curl system using face elements. In this case we use Pamgen for the mesh. Initially Pamgen did not have a built-in capability for face numbering, but Dave Hensinger added code for both face and edge numbering to use in this driver.


Kara Peterson

Applied Mathematics and Applications
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800 MS-1318
Albuquerque, NM  87185-1318


On 8/5/10 2:18 PM, "Michael Buksas" <mwbuksas at lanl.gov> wrote:

Hi all,

I have an application where I need to keep track of unknowns defined on
the faces of cells. This requires a unique id for each face and some
kind of element to face id map.

As far as I can tell, STK mesh doesn't have a built-in capability for
this. It's not hard to write, but I wanted to make sure I'm not
re-inventing the wheel.

My current approach is to iterate over the local faces of each element
as it declare it, and store a unique key based on it's node ids. Then I
only declare the face if it hasn't already been seen. Next step is to
add fields storing the (element, local face) -> global face map.

Are there better approaches? What do other people do when they have
face-defined unknowns?

Mike Buksas

Michael W. Buksas
CCS-7: Applied Computer Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory
(505) 667-7580

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