[Trilinos-Users] Large Generalized Symmetric Complex Eigenvalue Problem: From ARPACK to Anasazi?

Klaus Zimmermann klaus.zimmermann at physik.uni-freiburg.de
Fri Aug 6 15:41:23 MDT 2010

Hi All,

for my ab initio quantum calculations I have to find some eigenvalues 
for large, sparse complex symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems.
I would really like to move from our legacy ARPACK fortran code to a 
more modern code base
in order to make use of our local MPI based grid. I am a bit overwhelmed 
by the choices. But I now think
I boiled my possibilities down to Anasazi or SLEPc. I'd prefer to go the 
C++ way.
However I understand the support for complex systems in the linear 
solver part is limited.

What would be the best way to go about tackling this kind of problem?
Right now I am thinking: Anasazi<Tpetra, BlockKrylovSchur> + 
Is this reasonable?

Thanks for any hints in advance!

Klaus Zimmermann

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