[Trilinos-Users] Tpetra basics: where are the headers?

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at ua.ac.be
Tue Sep 15 14:32:57 MDT 2009


I'm just diving into Tpetra and try to write a simple program that does one or 
two operations on a complex-valued vector. It's still not quite obvious to me 
how to actually define a TpetraVector, but the examples as distributed with the 
code should be instructive.

Now, they use certain header files which I haven't been able to find back 
anywhere in the sources, that is "Tpetra_ElementSpace.hpp" and 
"Tpetra_VectorSpace.hpp", for example.

Using the June alpha of Trilinos 10 here.

Hints, anyone?


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