[Trilinos-Users] ILU IFPACK preconditioner

Heroux, Michael A maherou at sandia.gov
Tue Oct 28 16:30:20 MDT 2008


The class Ifpack_Preconditioner does not have a method called L().  Although the factory you are using actually creates an Ifpack_ILU object, it is cast back to its base class Ifpack_Preconditioner.  In order to get access to L, you will want to use a dynamic cast to downcast to the Ifpack_ILU object and then use the L() accessor method after that.  The following code is approximately what you need:

Ifpack_ILU * iluPrec = dynamic_cast<Ifpack_ILU *>(&*Prec);
Epetra_CrsMatrix L_factor = iluPrec->L();


On 10/27/08 2:23 PM, "Lucia Mirabella" <lucia at mathcs.emory.edu> wrote:


I am encountering a problem while trying to extract L and U factors from
ILU IFPACK preconditioner.

In my code I have a RCP pointer to an Ifpack_Preconditioner object that
is initialized using the Create method of an Ifpack object (with "ILU"
as preconditioner type argument).

"Ifpack Factory;
RCP<Ifpack_Preconditioner> Prec;
Prec = Teuchos::rcp( Factory.Create("ILU", &*B_rcp, OverlapLevel) );"

When I invoke the method L() on the Ifpack_Preconditioner object

"Epetra_CrsMatrix L_factor= Prec->L();"

I get this compiling error:

"error: 'class Ifpack_Preconditioner' has no member named 'L'"

Could you please suggest me how to solve this problem?

Thank you,

Lucia Mirabella

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