[Trilinos-Users] shared LIBs cannot be built, possibly -fPIC is missing

Orlando.Rivera at lrz.de Orlando.Rivera at lrz.de
Sat Oct 18 01:47:52 MDT 2008

Hi  I have  a problem  when I want to  build  with shared libraries

this is my configure

 ./configure CXXFLAGS=-O3 -64 -LANG:std  -LANG:ansi -DMPI_NO_CPPBIND
--with-install=/usr/bin/install -p
--with-blas=-L/lrz/sys/intel/mkl91/lib/64s  -lmkl  -lpthread
--with-lapack=-L/lrz/sys/intel/mkl91/lib/64s -lmkl_lapack  -lpthreads
--enable-mpi --with-mpi-compilers --enable-shared --enable-amesos
--enable-anasazi --enable-aztecoo --enable-belos --enable-didasko
--enable-epetra --enable-epetraext --enable-external --enable-ifpack
--enable-fei --enable-isorropia --enable-kokkos --enable-komplex
--enable-meros --enable-ml --enable-moertel --enable-moocho --enable-nox
--enable-phalanx --enable-phdmesh --enable-pliris --enable-pytrilinos
--enable-rythmos --enable-sacado --enable-sundance --enable-teuchos
--enable-pamgen --enable-rtop --enable-threadpool --enable-thyra
--enable-stratimikos --enable-trilinoscouplings --enable-triutils
--enable-galeri --enable-webtrilinos -enable-zoltan

The problem comes with teuchos  for example

Linking teuchos as a shared library
changing directory to ../../teuchos/src
mpiCC -shared -Wl,-soname,libteuchos.so -o libteuchos.so *.o
-L/lrz/sys/intel/mkl91/lib/64s -lmkl_lapack -lpthreads -lmkl -lpthread
-L/usr/lib -L/lrz/sys/intel/ifort_101_18/lib
-L/usr/lib/gcc/ia64-suse-linux/4.1.2 -lmpi -lffio -lsma -lifport -lifcore
-limf -lm -lipgo -lirc -lirc_s -ldl
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol
ld: Teuchos_BLAS.o: @gprel relocation against dynamic symbol

So  when  --shared is given, apparently  Teuchos_BLAS.o   was  compiled 
without -fPIC

any idea how can I solve that or should I pass FLAGS=-fPIC, what about the
objects statically built ,  I assume  you have 2 versions of the same
object  one statically and one dynamically  linked ,  so the static *.o 
is packet with ar   and the *.o build with -fPIC is to go  in the *.so
is that correct  ?


Orlando Rivera               Mail: rivera at lrz.de
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum        Web: http://www.lrz.de
Boltzmannstrasse 1, 85748 Garching
Telefon:+49 89 35831-8827
Fax:    +49 89 35831-9700

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