[Trilinos-Users] release of packages

Malte Neumann neumann@statik.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 10:05:20 +0200


I have quite successfully been integrating Trilinos (i.e. Epetra and AztecOO
so far) into our FE code. It works very well and seems very promising.

But I am really interested in some more advanced packages of Trilinos.
These are especially
- Amesos (as an interface to Mumps)
- Anasazi
- Meros

Therefore I would like to know if these packages are only in a too early
development state to be released or if their code is export-controlled and
they won't be released in near future.

Thanks a lot for your answer.



                              Malte Neumann
Institut fuer Baustatik / Institute of Structural Mechanics       
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ekkehard Ramm                        
Universitaet Stuttgart / University of Stuttgart          
Pfaffenwaldring 7, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany

mailto:neumann@statik.uni-stuttgart.de            phone: ++49-711-685-6121
http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/ibs/members/neumann/  fax:   ++49-711-685-6130