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Zoltan2 Namespace Reference

Created by mbenlioglu on Aug 31, 2020. More...




class  AlgTwoGhostLayer
class  AlgDistance1TwoGhostLayer
class  AlgDistance1
class  AlgDistance2
class  AlgPartialDistance2
class  AlgSerialGreedy
class  AlgBlockMapping
class  AlgDefaultMapping
struct  GMWM_triplet
class  AlgAMD
class  AlgMetis
class  AlgNatural
class  AlgND
class  AlgRandom
class  AlgRCM
class  AlgSortedDegree
class  Matcher
 An implementation of the Matcher interface that operates on Epetra matrices and Graphs. More...
class  SortPairs
class  AlgBlock
class  uMultiSortItem
 Class for sorting items with multiple values. First sorting with respect to val[0], then val[1] then ... val[count-1]. The last tie breaking is done with index values. Used for task mapping partitioning where the points on a cut line needs to be distributed consistently. More...
struct  uSortItem
 Sort items for quick sort function. More...
struct  uSignedSortItem
struct  Zoltan2_AlgMJ_TrackCallsCounter
class  AlgMJ
 Multi Jagged coordinate partitioning algorithm. More...
struct  Zoltan2_MJArrayType
struct  ArrayCombinationReducer
struct  ReduceWeightsFunctor
struct  ArrayReducer
struct  ReduceArrayFunctor
class  Zoltan2_AlgMJ
 Multi Jagged coordinate partitioning algorithm. More...
class  AlgParMA
class  AlgParMETIS
class  AlgPuLP
class  AlgQuotient
class  AlgSarma
class  AlgPTScotch
class  coordinateModelPartBox
 coordinateModelPartBox Class, represents the boundaries of the box which is a result of a geometric partitioning algorithm. More...
class  GridHash
 GridHash Class, Hashing Class for part boxes. More...
class  AlgMatrix
class  KmeansHeap
 KmeansHeap Class, max heap, but holds the minimum values. More...
class  KMeansCluster
class  KMeansAlgorithm
 KMeansAlgorithm Class that performs clustering of the coordinates, and returns the closest set of coordinates. More...
class  CommunicationModel
 CommunicationModel Base Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result. More...
class  CoordinateCommunicationModel
 CoordinateModelInput Class that performs mapping between the coordinate partitioning result and mpi ranks base on the coordinate results and mpi physical coordinates. More...
class  CoordinateTaskMapper
class  AlgZoltan
class  AlgForTestingOnly
class  Algorithm
 Algorithm defines the base class for all algorithms. More...
struct  TPL_Traits
struct  TPL_Traits< first_t, first_t >
struct  TPL_Traits< ZOLTAN_ID_PTR, second_t >
struct  TPL_Traits< first_t, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR >
class  Zoltan2_Directory_Node
class  Zoltan2_DD_Update_Msg
class  Zoltan2_DD_Find_Msg
class  Zoltan2_DD_Remove_Msg
class  Zoltan2_Directory
 Zoltan2_Directory is an abstract base class. More...
class  Zoltan2_Directory_Simple
class  Zoltan2_Directory_Vector
class  Zoltan2_Directory_Plan
class  Zoltan2_Directory_Comm
class  DebugManager
 DebugManager contains the methods that perform output of debug and status messages. More...
class  Environment
 The user parameters, debug, timing and memory profiling output objects, and error checking methods. More...
class  NotImplemented
 Exception thrown when a called base-class method is not implemented. More...
class  IntegerRangeListValidator
 A ParameterList validator for integer range lists. More...
class  IntegerRangeListValidatorXMLConverter
 XML conversion code for IntegerRangeListValidator. More...
class  Machine
 MachineClass Base class for representing machine coordinates, networks, etc. More...
class  MachineDragonflyRCA
 A Dragonfly (e.g. Cori, Trinity, & Theta) Machine Class for task mapping. More...
class  MachineDragonflyRCAForTesting
 A Dragonfly (e.g. Cori, Trinity, Theta) Machine Class for testing only. A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping (i.e. see Zoltan2_MachineDragonflyRCA.hpp). More...
class  MachineForTesting
 A Machine Class for testing only A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping. More...
class  MachineRepresentation
 MachineRepresentation Class Base class for representing machine coordinates, networks, etc. More...
class  DefaultMachine
 A Default MachineRepresentation Class. More...
class  MachineTorusRCA
 An RCA Machine class on Torus Networks. More...
class  MachineTorusRCAForTesting
 An RCA Machine Class (Torus Networks) for testing only A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping. More...
class  MachineTorusTopoMgr
 A TopoManager Machine Class on Torus Networks. More...
class  MachineTorusBGQTest
 A TopoManager Machine Class (Torus Networks) for testing only A more realistic machine should be used for task mapping. More...
class  MetricOutputManager
 MetricOutputManager handles output of profiling messages. More...
class  TimerManager
class  BaseAdapterRoot
 BaseAdapter defines methods required by all Adapters. More...
class  BaseAdapter
class  AdapterWithCoords
class  VectorAdapter
 VectorAdapter defines the interface for vector input. More...
class  AdapterWithCoordsWrapper
class  APFMeshAdapter
class  BasicIdentifierAdapter
 This class represents a collection of global Identifiers and their associated weights, if any. More...
class  BasicKokkosIdentifierAdapter
 This class represents a collection of global Identifiers and their associated weights, if any. More...
class  BasicVectorAdapter
 BasicVectorAdapter represents a vector (plus optional weights) supplied by the user as pointers to strided arrays. More...
class  GraphAdapter
 GraphAdapter defines the interface for graph-based user data. More...
class  IdentifierAdapter
 IdentifierAdapter defines the interface for identifiers. More...
class  BasicUserTypes
 A simple class that can be the User template argument for an InputAdapter. More...
struct  InputTraits
 The traits required of User input classes or structures. More...
class  MatrixAdapter
 MatrixAdapter defines the adapter interface for matrices. More...
class  MeshAdapter
 MeshAdapter defines the interface for mesh input. More...
class  PamgenMeshAdapter
 This class represents a mesh. More...
class  TpetraCrsGraphAdapter
 Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::CrsGraph data. More...
class  TpetraCrsMatrixAdapter
 Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::CrsMatrix data. More...
class  TpetraRowGraphAdapter
 Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::RowGraph data. More...
class  TpetraRowMatrixAdapter
 Provides access for Zoltan2 to Tpetra::RowMatrix data. More...
class  XpetraCrsGraphAdapter
 Provides access for Zoltan2 to Xpetra::CrsGraph data. More...
class  XpetraCrsMatrixAdapter
 Provides access for Zoltan2 to Xpetra::CrsMatrix data. More...
class  XpetraMultiVectorAdapter
 An adapter for Xpetra::MultiVector. More...
struct  XpetraTraits
 Defines the traits required for Tpetra, Eptra and Xpetra objects. More...
class  CommGraphModel
 CommGraphModel defines the interface required for communication graph. More...
class  CoordinateModel
 This class provides geometric coordinates with optional weights to the Zoltan2 algorithm. More...
class  GraphModel
 GraphModel defines the interface required for graph models. More...
class  HyperGraphModel
 HyperGraphModel defines the interface required for hyper graph models. More...
class  IdentifierModel
 IdentifierModel defines the interface for all identifier models. More...
class  Model
 The base class for all model classes. More...
class  ColoringProblem
 ColoringProblem sets up coloring problems for the user. More...
class  ColoringSolution
 The class containing coloring solution. More...
class  MappingProblem
 MappingProblem enables mapping of a partition (either computed or input) to MPI ranks. More...
class  MappingSolution
 PartitionMapping maps a solution or an input distribution to ranks. More...
class  MatrixPartitioningProblem
 MatrixPartitioningProblem sets up partitioning problems for the user. More...
class  MatrixPartitioningSolution
 A PartitioningSolution is a solution to a partitioning problem. More...
class  OrderingProblem
 OrderingProblem sets up ordering problems for the user. More...
class  OrderingSolution
 The class containing ordering solutions. More...
class  LocalOrderingSolution
class  GlobalOrderingSolution
class  PartitioningProblem
 PartitioningProblem sets up partitioning problems for the user. More...
class  PartitioningSolution
 A PartitioningSolution is a solution to a partitioning problem. More...
class  PartitionMapping
 PartitionMapping maps a solution or an input distribution to ranks. More...
class  ProblemRoot
 ProblemRoot allows ptr storage and safe dynamic_cast of all. More...
class  Problem
 Problem base class from which other classes (PartitioningProblem, ColoringProblem, OrderingProblem, MatchingProblem, etc.) derive. More...
class  Solution
 Just a placeholder for now. More...
class  TpetraCrsColorer
class  TpetraCrsColorer< Tpetra::BlockCrsMatrix< SC, LO, GO, NO > >
class  ZoltanCrsColorer
class  Zoltan2CrsColorer
class  Zoltan2CrsColorer< Tpetra::BlockCrsMatrix< SC, LO, GO, NO > >
class  BaseClassMetrics
class  perProcessorComponentMetrics
class  EvaluateBaseClassRoot
 A base class for EvaluatePartition, EvaluateOrdering, ... More...
class  EvaluateBaseClass
class  EvaluateMapping
 A class that computes and returns quality metrics. More...
class  EvaluateOrdering
 A class that computes and returns quality metrics. base class for the local and global ordering versions. More...
class  EvaluateLocalOrdering
class  EvaluateGlobalOrdering
class  EvaluatePartition
 A class that computes and returns quality metrics. More...
class  GraphMetrics
class  ImbalanceMetrics
class  StridedData
 The StridedData class manages lists of weights or coordinates. More...
class  Sphynx
class  SphynxProblem
struct  type_name
struct  gid_set_t
struct  lid_set_t
class  IDs
class  Single_GID
class  Multiple_GID
class  Single_User
class  Vector_User
class  Single_User_Single_GID
class  Single_User_Multiple_GID
class  Vector_User_Single_GID
class  Vector_User_Multiple_GID
class  TestManager


typedef size_t default_offset_t
typedef int default_part_t
typedef std::bitset
typedef Tpetra::global_size_t global_size_t


enum  blockParams {
  block_balanceCount, block_balanceWeight, block_minTotalWeight, block_minMaximumWeight,
  block_balanceTotalMaximum, NUM_BLOCK_PARAMS
 The boolean parameters of interest to the Block algorithm. More...
 Codes that indicate how to interpret the Array<int> representing the user's integer range list. More...
enum  AssertionLevel {
 Level of error checking or assertions desired. More...
enum  MessageOutputLevel {
 The amount of debugging or status output to print. More...
enum  TimerType {
 The type of timers which should be active. More...
 Output stream types. More...
enum  multiCriteriaNorm { normMinimizeTotalWeight, normBalanceTotalMaximum, normMinimizeMaximumWeight, normNumNorms }
 Enumerator used in code for multicriteria norm choice. More...
enum  BaseAdapterType {
  InvalidAdapterType = 0, IdentifierAdapterType, VectorAdapterType, MatrixAdapterType,
  GraphAdapterType, MeshAdapterType
 An enum to identify general types of adapters. More...
enum  GraphEntityType { GRAPH_VERTEX, GRAPH_EDGE }
 Enumerated entity type for graphs: Vertices or Edges. More...
 Enumerate entity types for meshes: Regions, Faces, Edges, or Vertices. More...
enum  EntityTopologyType {
 Enumerate entity topology types for meshes: points,lines,polygons,triangles,quadrilaterals, polyhedrons, tetrahedrons, hexhedrons, prisms, or pyramids. More...
 Enumerate the views for the pins: HYPEREDGE_CENTRIC: pins are the global ids of the vertices as seen by the hyperedges VERTEX_CENTRIC: pins are the global ids of the hyperedges as seen by the vertices. More...
enum  ModelType {
  HypergraphModelType, GraphModelType, CoordinateModelType, IdentifierModelType,
 An identifier for the general type of model. More...
enum  ModelFlags {
 Flags are set by a Problem to tell a Model what transformations it may need to do on the user's input. More...
enum  TestMode { Replace = 0, Add, Aggregate, TestMode_Max }


template<typename vtx_t , typename wgt_t >
static bool compare_triplets (GMWM_triplet< vtx_t, wgt_t > a, GMWM_triplet< vtx_t, wgt_t > b)
template<typename vtx_t , typename wgt_t >
vtx_t GreedyMWM (int *idx, vtx_t *adj, wgt_t *wgt, vtx_t tnVtx, vtx_t *match)
template<typename Adapter >
int AlgSpectral (const RCP< GraphModel< Adapter > > &model, const RCP< LocalOrderingSolution< typename Adapter::lno_t > > &solution, const RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &pl, const RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
template<class IT , class WT >
void uqsort (IT n, uSortItem< IT, WT > *arr)
 Quick sort function. Sorts the arr of uSortItems, with respect to increasing vals. DOCWORK: Document input params. More...
template<class IT , class WT , class SIGN >
void uqSignsort (IT n, uSignedSortItem< IT, WT, SIGN > *arr)
 Quick sort function. Sorts the arr of uSignedSortItems, with respect to increasing vals. More...
static void getScotchParameters (Teuchos::ParameterList &pl)
template<typename it >
it z2Fact (it x)
template<typename IT >
void ithPermutation (const IT n, IT i, IT *perm)
template<typename part_t >
void getGridCommunicationGraph (part_t taskCount, part_t *&task_comm_xadj, part_t *&task_comm_adj, std::vector< int > grid_dims)
template<typename Adapter , typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void getSolutionCenterCoordinates (const Environment *envConst, const Teuchos::Comm< int > *comm, const Zoltan2::CoordinateModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > *coords, const part_t *parts, int coordDim, part_t ntasks, scalar_t **partCenters)
template<typename Adapter , typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void getCoarsenedPartGraph (const Environment *envConst, const Teuchos::Comm< int > *comm, const Zoltan2::GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > *graph, part_t np, const part_t *parts, ArrayRCP< part_t > &g_part_xadj, ArrayRCP< part_t > &g_part_adj, ArrayRCP< scalar_t > &g_part_ew)
template<typename T >
void fillContinousArray (T *arr, size_t arrSize, T *val)
 fillContinousArray function More...
template<typename part_t , typename pcoord_t , typename tcoord_t >
void coordinateTaskMapperInterface (RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > problemComm, int proc_dim, int num_processors, pcoord_t **machine_coords, int task_dim, part_t num_tasks, tcoord_t **task_coords, part_t *task_comm_xadj, part_t *task_comm_adj, pcoord_t *task_communication_edge_weight_, part_t *proc_to_task_xadj, part_t *proc_to_task_adj, int recursion_depth, Kokkos::View< part_t *, Kokkos::HostSpace > part_no_array, const part_t *machine_dimensions, int num_ranks_per_node=1, bool divide_to_prime_first=false)
 Constructor The interface function that calls CoordinateTaskMapper which will also perform the mapping operation. The result mapping can be obtained by -proc_to_task_xadj: Holds the beginning and end indices of tasks on proc_to_task_adj that is assigned to a processor. The tasks assigned to processor i are between proc_to_task_xadj[i] and proc_to_task_xadj[i + 1] on proc_to_task_adj. More...
template<typename proc_coord_t , typename v_lno_t >
void visualize_mapping (int myRank, const int machine_coord_dim, const int num_ranks, proc_coord_t **machine_coords, const v_lno_t num_tasks, const v_lno_t *task_communication_xadj, const v_lno_t *task_communication_adj, const int *task_to_rank)
template<typename Adapter >
static int zoltanNumObj (void *data, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanObjList (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nLidEnt, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gids, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids, int wdim, float *wgts, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanParts (void *data, int, int nLidEnt, int nObj, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids, int *parts, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static int zoltanNumGeom (void *data, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanGeom (void *data, int, int nLidEnt, int nObj, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids, int nDim, double *coords, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGSizeCS_withGraphAdapter (void *data, int *nLists, int *nPins, int *format, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGCS_withGraphAdapter (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nLists, int, int, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR listIds, int *listIdx, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR pinIds, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGSizeEdgeWts_withGraphAdapter (void *data, int *nEdges, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGEdgeWts_withGraphAdapter (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nLidEnt, int nEdges, int, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR edgeGids, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR edgeLids, float *edgeWgts, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGSizeCS_withMatrixAdapter (void *data, int *nLists, int *nPins, int *format, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGCS_withMatrixAdapter (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nLists, int nPins, int format, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR listIds, int *listIdx, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR pinIds, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGSizeCS_withMeshAdapter (void *data, int *nLists, int *nPins, int *format, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGCS_withMeshAdapter (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nLists, int nPins, int format, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR listIds, int *listIdx, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR pinIds, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static int zoltanHGNumObj_withModel (void *data, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGObjList_withModel (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nLidEnt, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR gids, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR lids, int wdim, float *wgts, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGSizeCS_withModel (void *data, int *nEdges, int *nPins, int *format, int *ierr)
template<typename Adapter >
static void zoltanHGCS_withModel (void *data, int nGidEnt, int nEdges, int nPins, int format, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR edgeIds, int *edgeIdx, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR pinIds, int *ierr)
void makeDebugManager (int rank, bool iPrint, int level, std::string fname, int ost, Teuchos::RCP< DebugManager > &mgr)
 Create an output manager for debugging or status information. More...
template<typename metric_t >
void makeMetricOutputManager (int rank, bool iPrint, std::string fname, int ost, Teuchos::RCP< MetricOutputManager< metric_t > > &mgr, std::string units, int fieldWidth, RCP< std::ofstream > &fptr)
 Create an output manager for a metric value. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool validIntegralRangeList (const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &vals)
 A helper function that indicates whether an array is a valid integer range list. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool allValuesAreInRangeList (const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &vals)
 A helper function that determines if all values are in the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool allValuesAreInRangeList (const Teuchos::ParameterEntry &e)
 A helper function that determines if all values are in the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool noValuesAreInRangeList (const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &vals)
 A helper function that determines if no values are in the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool noValuesAreInRangeList (const Teuchos::ParameterEntry &e)
 A helper function that determines if no values are in the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool IsInRangeList (const Integral val, const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &valList, bool sorted=true)
 A helper function that determines if a value is in the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
bool IsInRangeList (const Integral val, const Teuchos::ParameterEntry &e)
 A helper function that determines if a value is in the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
Teuchos::ArrayView< Integral > getList (Teuchos::Array< Integral > &irl)
 A helper function that returns a view of the list. More...
template<typename Integral >
void printIntegralRangeList (std::ostream &os, Teuchos::Array< Integral > &irl)
 A helper function that prints the meaning of an encoded integer range list. More...
void createAllParameters (Teuchos::ParameterList &pList)
 Create a list of all Zoltan2 parameters and validators. More...
static void setValidatorsInList (const Teuchos::ParameterList &plSome, const Teuchos::ParameterList &plAll, Teuchos::ParameterList &plVal)
 Create a parameter list that can validate a specific list of parameters. More...
void createValidatorList (const Teuchos::ParameterList &plIn, Teuchos::ParameterList &plOut)
 Create a list by adding validators to the users parameter list. More...
void printListDocumentation (const Teuchos::ParameterList &pl, std::ostream &os, std::string listNames)
template<typename User >
RCP< Tpetra::CrsMatrix< int,
typename MeshAdapter< User >
::lno_t, typename MeshAdapter
< User >::gno_t, typename
MeshAdapter< User >::node_t > > 
get2ndAdjsMatFromAdjs (const Teuchos::RCP< const MeshAdapter< User > > &ia, const RCP< const Comm< int > > comm, Zoltan2::MeshEntityType sourcetarget, Zoltan2::MeshEntityType through)
template<typename User >
void get2ndAdjsViewFromAdjs (const Teuchos::RCP< const MeshAdapter< User > > &ia, const RCP< const Comm< int > > comm, Zoltan2::MeshEntityType sourcetarget, Zoltan2::MeshEntityType through, Teuchos::ArrayRCP< typename MeshAdapter< User >::offset_t > &offsets, Teuchos::ArrayRCP< typename MeshAdapter< User >::gno_t > &adjacencyIds)
template<typename SolutionAdapter , typename DataAdapter >
size_t getImportList (const PartitioningSolution< SolutionAdapter > &solution, const DataAdapter *const data, ArrayRCP< typename DataAdapter::gno_t > &imports)
 From a PartitioningSolution, get a list of IDs to be imported. Assumes part numbers in PartitioningSolution are to be used as rank numbers. More...
void AlltoAllCount (const Comm< int > &comm, const Environment &env, const ArrayView< const int > &sendCount, const ArrayView< int > &recvCount)
 Each process sends a value to every process, an all-to-all. More...
void AlltoAllv (const Comm< int > &comm, const Environment &env, const ArrayView< const std::string > &sendBuf, const ArrayView< const int > &sendCount, ArrayRCP< std::string > &recvBuf, const ArrayView< int > &recvCount)
void AlltoAllv (const Comm< int > &comm, const Environment &env, const ArrayView< const unsigned short > &sendBuf, const ArrayView< const int > &sendCount, ArrayRCP< unsigned short > &recvBuf, const ArrayView< int > &recvCount)
void AlltoAllv (const Comm< int > &comm, const Environment &env, const ArrayView< const unsigned char > &sendBuf, const ArrayView< const int > &sendCount, ArrayRCP< unsigned char > &recvBuf, const ArrayView< int > &recvCount)
template<typename T >
void AlltoAllv (const Comm< int > &comm, const Environment &env, const ArrayView< const T > &sendBuf, const ArrayView< const int > &sendCount, ArrayRCP< T > &recvBuf, const ArrayView< int > &recvCount)
 AlltoAllv sends/receives data to/from all processes. More...
template<typename gno_t >
size_t findUniqueGidsCommon (size_t num_keys, int num_gid, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR ddkeys, char *ddnewgids, MPI_Comm mpicomm)
template<typename lno_t , typename gno_t >
size_t findUniqueGids (Tpetra::MultiVector< gno_t, lno_t, gno_t > &keys, Tpetra::Vector< gno_t, lno_t, gno_t > &gids)
template<typename key_t , typename gno_t >
size_t findUniqueGids (std::vector< key_t > &keys, std::vector< gno_t > &gids, const Teuchos::Comm< int > &comm)
template<typename Adapter , typename MachineRep = MachineRepresentation<typename Adapter::scalar_t, typename Adapter::part_t>>
void globalWeightedByPart (const RCP< const Environment > &env, const RCP< const Comm< int > > &comm, const RCP< const GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > > &graph, const ArrayView< const typename Adapter::part_t > &parts, typename Adapter::part_t &numParts, ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< typename Adapter::scalar_t > > > &metrics, ArrayRCP< typename Adapter::scalar_t > &globalSums, bool bMessages=true, const RCP< const MachineRep > machine=Teuchos::null)
 Given the local partitioning, compute the global weighted cuts in each part. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void printGraphMetricsHeader (std::ostream &os, part_t targetNumParts, part_t numParts)
 Print out header info for graph metrics. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void printGraphMetrics (std::ostream &os, part_t targetNumParts, part_t numParts, const ArrayView< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &infoList)
 Print out list of graph metrics. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void printGraphMetrics (std::ostream &os, part_t targetNumParts, part_t numParts, RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t >> metricValue)
 Print out header and a single graph metric. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename lno_t , typename part_t >
void globalSumsByPart (const RCP< const Environment > &env, const RCP< const Comm< int > > &comm, const ArrayView< const part_t > &part, int vwgtDim, const ArrayView< StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > > &vwgts, multiCriteriaNorm mcNorm, part_t targetNumParts, part_t &numExistingParts, part_t &numNonemptyParts, ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &metrics, ArrayRCP< scalar_t > &globalSums)
 Given the local partitioning, compute the global sums in each part. More...
template<typename Adapter >
void imbalanceMetrics (const RCP< const Environment > &env, const RCP< const Comm< int > > &comm, multiCriteriaNorm mcNorm, const Adapter *ia, const PartitioningSolution< Adapter > *solution, const ArrayView< const typename Adapter::part_t > &partArray, const RCP< const GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > > &graphModel, typename Adapter::part_t &numExistingParts, typename Adapter::part_t &numNonemptyParts, ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< typename Adapter::scalar_t > > > &metrics)
 Compute imbalance metrics for a distribution. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void printImbalanceMetricsHeader (std::ostream &os, part_t targetNumParts, part_t numExistingParts, part_t numNonemptyParts)
 Print out header info for imbalance metrics. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void printImbalanceMetrics (std::ostream &os, part_t targetNumParts, part_t numExistingParts, part_t numNonemptyParts, const ArrayView< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &infoList)
 Print out list of imbalance metrics. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void printImbalanceMetrics (std::ostream &os, part_t targetNumParts, part_t numExistingParts, part_t numNonemptyParts, RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t >> metricValue)
 Print out header and a single imbalance metric. More...
void addNumberToFileName (int number, std::string fname, std::string &newf)
 Helper method to add number to a file name. More...
template<typename metric_t , typename scalar_t >
RCP< metric_t > addNewMetric (const RCP< const Environment > &env, ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &metrics)
template<typename scalar_t >
void getStridedStats (const ArrayView< scalar_t > &v, int stride, int offset, scalar_t &min, scalar_t &max, scalar_t &sum)
 Find min, max and sum of metric values. More...
template<typename scalar_t >
void getStridedStats (const ArrayView< scalar_t > &v, int stride, int offset, scalar_t &max, scalar_t &sum)
 Find max and sum of graph metric values. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename lno_t , typename part_t >
void normedPartWeights (const RCP< const Environment > &env, part_t numberOfParts, const ArrayView< const part_t > &parts, const ArrayView< StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > > &vwgts, multiCriteriaNorm mcNorm, scalar_t *weights)
 Compute the total weight in each part on this process. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void computeImbalances (part_t numExistingParts, part_t targetNumParts, const scalar_t *psizes, scalar_t sumVals, const scalar_t *vals, scalar_t &min, scalar_t &max, scalar_t &avg)
 Compute the imbalance. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void computeImbalances (part_t numExistingParts, part_t targetNumParts, int numSizes, ArrayView< ArrayRCP< scalar_t > > psizes, scalar_t sumVals, const scalar_t *vals, scalar_t &min, scalar_t &max, scalar_t &avg)
 Compute the imbalance in the case of multiple part sizes. More...
template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t normedWeight (ArrayView< scalar_t > weights, multiCriteriaNorm norm)
 Compute the norm of the vector of weights. More...
template<typename lno_t , typename scalar_t >
scalar_t normedWeight (ArrayView< StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > > weights, lno_t idx, multiCriteriaNorm norm)
 Compute the norm of the vector of weights stored as StridedData. More...
template<typename scalar_t , typename T >
static void getInputArrayHelper (ArrayRCP< const T > &target, const ArrayRCP< const scalar_t > &src)
template<typename scalar_t >
static void getInputArrayHelper (ArrayRCP< const scalar_t > &target, const ArrayRCP< const scalar_t > &src)
long getProcessKilobytes ()
template<typename scalar_t >
bool outsideRegion (scalar_t val, scalar_t mark, double epsilon)
static void AssertCondition (bool condition, const std::string &message, const char *file=__FILE__, int line=__LINE__)
std::string Zoltan2_Version ()
static void getSphynxValidParameters (ParameterList &pl)
 Set up validators specific to this algorithm. More...
static void setSphynxValidatorsInList (const Teuchos::ParameterList &plSome, const Teuchos::ParameterList &plAll, Teuchos::ParameterList &plVal)
std::string Sphynx_Version ()
template<typename key_t , typename gno_t >
size_t findUniqueGids (const std::vector< key_t > &keys, std::vector< gno_t > &gids, Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
 DECL_TYPE_NAME (long long)
void checkNUnique (std::string &name, size_t nUniqueGids, size_t nExpected)
template<typename gno_t >
void checkMaxGid (std::string &name, std::vector< gno_t > &gids, gno_t maxExpected, Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
template<typename gno_t >
void checkMinGid (std::string &name, std::vector< gno_t > &gids, gno_t minExpected, Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
template<typename gno_t >
void checkNLocallyUnique (std::string &name, std::vector< gno_t > &gids, size_t nExpected)
template<typename gno_t >
void test1 (Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
template<typename gno_t >
void test2 (Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
template<typename gno_t >
void test3 (Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
template<typename gno_t >
void test4 (Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &comm)
void print_proc_safe (const std::string &message, Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > comm, bool only_rank0=true)
int runDirectoryTests (int narg, char **arg)


static const std::string fail = "FAIL "
static const std::string pass = " "

Detailed Description

Created by mbenlioglu on Aug 31, 2020.

CommGraphModel creates a graph representing the communication topology of

the MPI ranks for a given XpetraCrsGraphAdapter object. If there are n MPI ranks in the given communicator, then this model contains n vertices so that each vertex represents an MPI rank. If rank i sends a message to rank j (during the mat-vec on the matrix corresponding to the given adapter), then there is a directed edge from vertex i to vertex j in the graph. The size of the edge is the number of nonzeros that cause that message. The weight of vertex i is the number of nonzeros currently residing at rank i.

Since the above mentioned graph is too small, we migrate it into a subset of ranks, which we call activeRanks. nActiveRanks_ denotes the number of active ranks and is computed as n/threshold_.

Typedef Documentation

typedef ::Tpetra::Details::DefaultTypes::local_ordinal_type Zoltan2::default_lno_t

Definition at line 73 of file Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp.

typedef ::Tpetra::Details::DefaultTypes::global_ordinal_type Zoltan2::default_gno_t

Definition at line 76 of file Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp.

typedef size_t Zoltan2::default_offset_t

Definition at line 79 of file Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp.

typedef ::Tpetra::Details::DefaultTypes::scalar_type Zoltan2::default_scalar_t

Definition at line 82 of file Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp.

typedef ::Tpetra::Details::DefaultTypes::node_type Zoltan2::default_node_t

Definition at line 85 of file Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp.

Definition at line 88 of file Zoltan2_InputTraits.hpp.

typedef std::bitset<NUM_MODEL_FLAGS> Zoltan2::modelFlag_t

Definition at line 93 of file Zoltan2_Model.hpp.

typedef Tpetra::global_size_t Zoltan2::global_size_t

Definition at line 119 of file Zoltan2_Standards.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The boolean parameters of interest to the Block algorithm.


objective = balance_object_count


objective = balance_object_weight


objective = mc_minimize_total_weight


objective = mc_minimize_maximum_weight


objective = mc_balance_total_maximum


Definition at line 64 of file Zoltan2_AlgBlock.hpp.

Codes that indicate how to interpret the Array<int> representing the user's integer range list.


all values were listed


no values were listed


the listed values are in the Array<int>


Definition at line 76 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

Level of error checking or assertions desired.

Each assertion in the code must have a level. Tests for logic errors should always be level DEBUG_MODE_ASSERTION. Quick tests are BASIC, longer tests for input errors are COMPLEX.

The user sets the assertion level with the parameter error_check_level.

If compiled with Z2_OMIT_ALL_ERROR_CHECKING, error checks don't happen.


no assertion checks will be done


fast typical checks for valid arguments


more involved, like validate a graph


checks for logic errors


Definition at line 81 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.hpp.

The amount of debugging or status output to print.

Each debug/status message must have an output level. The user specfies the level desired with the debug_level parameter.

If Zoltan2 is compiled with Z2_OMIT_ALL_STATUS_MESSAGES, no messages will be processed.


don't display status/debug messages


the status at each high level step


sub-steps, each method's entry and exit


include more detail about sub-steps


Definition at line 98 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.hpp.

The type of timers which should be active.

If timing is requested, timer_type can specify MACRO timing or MICRO timing. For example, a MACRO timer would time an algorithm. A MICRO timer would time steps in the algorithm. You can also ask for BOTH, but be aware that your MACRO timer is also timing the MICRO timers as well as the algorithm.

If Zoltan2 is compiled with Z2_OMIT_ALL_PROFILING timing messages are ignored.


No timing data will be collected (the default).


Time an algorithm (or other entity) as a whole.


Time the substeps of an entity.


Run both MACRO and MICRO timers.


Timers added while testing, removed later.


Definition at line 118 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.hpp.

Output stream types.






/dev/null: do actions but don't output results


Definition at line 130 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.hpp.

Enumerator used in code for multicriteria norm choice.


1-norm = Manhattan norm


2-norm = sqrt of sum of squares


inf-norm = maximum norm


Definition at line 139 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.hpp.

An enum to identify general types of adapters.


unused value


identifier data, just a list of IDs


vector data


matrix data


graph data


mesh data

Definition at line 68 of file Zoltan2_Adapter.hpp.

Enumerated entity type for graphs: Vertices or Edges.


Definition at line 60 of file Zoltan2_GraphAdapter.hpp.


Definition at line 58 of file Zoltan2_MatrixAdapter.hpp.

Enumerate entity types for meshes: Regions, Faces, Edges, or Vertices.


Definition at line 63 of file Zoltan2_MeshAdapter.hpp.

Enumerate entity topology types for meshes: points,lines,polygons,triangles,quadrilaterals, polyhedrons, tetrahedrons, hexhedrons, prisms, or pyramids.


Definition at line 75 of file Zoltan2_MeshAdapter.hpp.

Enumerate the views for the pins: HYPEREDGE_CENTRIC: pins are the global ids of the vertices as seen by the hyperedges VERTEX_CENTRIC: pins are the global ids of the hyperedges as seen by the vertices.


Definition at line 74 of file Zoltan2_HyperGraphModel.hpp.

An identifier for the general type of model.


Definition at line 60 of file Zoltan2_Model.hpp.

Flags are set by a Problem to tell a Model what transformations it may need to do on the user's input.


algorithm requires consecutive ids


model represents graph within only one rank


model must symmetrize input


model must symmetrize input


use matrix rows as graph vertices


use columns as graph vertices


use nonzeros as graph vertices


use mesh nodes as vertices


use mesh elements as vertices


algorithm requires no self edges


ignore invalid neighbors


Definition at line 74 of file Zoltan2_Model.hpp.


Definition at line 57 of file directoryTest_Impl.hpp.

Function Documentation

template<typename vtx_t , typename wgt_t >
static bool Zoltan2::compare_triplets ( GMWM_triplet< vtx_t, wgt_t >  a,
GMWM_triplet< vtx_t, wgt_t >  b 

Definition at line 77 of file Zoltan2_GreedyMWM.hpp.

template<typename vtx_t , typename wgt_t >
vtx_t Zoltan2::GreedyMWM ( int *  idx,
vtx_t *  adj,
wgt_t *  wgt,
vtx_t  tnVtx,
vtx_t *  match 

Definition at line 85 of file Zoltan2_GreedyMWM.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
int Zoltan2::AlgSpectral ( const RCP< GraphModel< Adapter > > &  model,
const RCP< LocalOrderingSolution< typename Adapter::lno_t > > &  solution,
const RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  pl,
const RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm 

Definition at line 62 of file Zoltan2_AlgSpectral.hpp.

template<class IT , class WT >
void Zoltan2::uqsort ( IT  n,
uSortItem< IT, WT > *  arr 

Quick sort function. Sorts the arr of uSortItems, with respect to increasing vals. DOCWORK: Document input params.

Definition at line 194 of file Zoltan2_AlgMultiJagged.hpp.

template<class IT , class WT , class SIGN >
void Zoltan2::uqSignsort ( IT  n,
uSignedSortItem< IT, WT, SIGN > *  arr 

Quick sort function. Sorts the arr of uSignedSortItems, with respect to increasing vals.

Definition at line 303 of file Zoltan2_AlgMultiJagged.hpp.

static void Zoltan2::getScotchParameters ( Teuchos::ParameterList &  pl)

Definition at line 64 of file Zoltan2_AlgScotch.hpp.

template<typename it >
it Zoltan2::z2Fact ( it  x)

Definition at line 76 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename IT >
void Zoltan2::ithPermutation ( const IT  n,
IT  i,
IT *  perm 

Definition at line 89 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::getGridCommunicationGraph ( part_t  taskCount,
part_t *&  task_comm_xadj,
part_t *&  task_comm_adj,
std::vector< int >  grid_dims 

Definition at line 118 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename Adapter , typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::getSolutionCenterCoordinates ( const Environment *  envConst,
const Teuchos::Comm< int > *  comm,
const Zoltan2::CoordinateModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > *  coords,
const part_t parts,
int  coordDim,
part_t  ntasks,
scalar_t **  partCenters 

Definition at line 152 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename Adapter , typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::getCoarsenedPartGraph ( const Environment *  envConst,
const Teuchos::Comm< int > *  comm,
const Zoltan2::GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > *  graph,
part_t  np,
const part_t parts,
ArrayRCP< part_t > &  g_part_xadj,
ArrayRCP< part_t > &  g_part_adj,
ArrayRCP< scalar_t > &  g_part_ew 

Definition at line 239 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename T >
void Zoltan2::fillContinousArray ( T *  arr,
size_t  arrSize,
T *  val 

fillContinousArray function

arrarray to be filled in with values.
arrSizethe size of the array.
valthe pointer to the value to be filled. if given NULL, the filling performs arr[i] = i.

Definition at line 900 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename part_t , typename pcoord_t , typename tcoord_t >
void Zoltan2::coordinateTaskMapperInterface ( RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > >  problemComm,
int  proc_dim,
int  num_processors,
pcoord_t **  machine_coords,
int  task_dim,
part_t  num_tasks,
tcoord_t **  task_coords,
part_t task_comm_xadj,
part_t task_comm_adj,
pcoord_t *  task_communication_edge_weight_,
part_t proc_to_task_xadj,
part_t proc_to_task_adj,
int  recursion_depth,
Kokkos::View< part_t *, Kokkos::HostSpace >  part_no_array,
const part_t machine_dimensions,
int  num_ranks_per_node = 1,
bool  divide_to_prime_first = false 

Constructor The interface function that calls CoordinateTaskMapper which will also perform the mapping operation. The result mapping can be obtained by -proc_to_task_xadj: Holds the beginning and end indices of tasks on proc_to_task_adj that is assigned to a processor. The tasks assigned to processor i are between proc_to_task_xadj[i] and proc_to_task_xadj[i + 1] on proc_to_task_adj.

-proc_to_task_adj: holds the task adj array.

-task_comm_xadj, task_comm_adj, task_communication_edge_weight_ can be provided NULL. In this case all processors will calculate the same mapping.

-If task_comm_xadj, task_comm_adj and provided, algorithm will perform rotations, and processors will calculate different mappings, and best one will be reduced.

-If task_communication_edge_weight_ is provided with task_comm_xadj, task_comm_adj, this will be used when cost is calculated.

-recursion_depth is a mandatory argument. In the case part_no_array is not null, this parameter should represent the length of part_no_array. If part_no_array is given as NULL, then this will give the recursion depth for the algorithm, Maximum number is ceil(log_2(min(num_processors, num_tasks))), and providing a higher number will be equivalant to this. Partitioning algorithm will work as RCB when maximum number is given, which performs the best mapping results.

-part_no_array: The best results are obtained when this parameter is given as NULL. But if this is provided, partitioning will use this array for partitioning each dimension to the given numbers. The multiplication of these numbers should be equal to min(num_processors, num_tasks).

-machine_dimensions: This can be NULL, but if provided the algorithm will perform shift of the machine coords so that the largest gap is treated as wrap-around link.

problemCommis the communication object.
proc_dimdimensions of the processor coordinates.
num_processorsis the number of processors
machine_coordsis the coordinates of the processors.
task_dimis the dimension of the tasks.
num_tasksis the number of tasks.
task_coordsis the coordinates of the tasks.
task_comm_xadjis the task communication graphs xadj array. (task i's adjacency is between task_comm_xadj[i] and task_comm_xadj[i + 1])
task_comm_adjis task communication graphs adj array.
task_communication_edge_weight_is the weight of the communication in task graph.
proc_to_task_xadjis is the output for tasks showing which proc has the which parts. (proc-i will own the tasks from proc_to_task_xadj[i] to proc_to_task_xadj[i + 1])
proc_to_task_adjis the ouput list of tasks pointed by proc_to_task_xadj
recursion_depthis the recursion depth that will be applied to partitioning. If part_no_array is provided, then it is the length of this array.
part_no_arrayif part_no_array is provided, partitioning algorithm will be forced to use this array for partitioning. However, the multiplication of each entries in this array should be equal to min(num_processors, num_tasks).
*machine_dimensions,:the dimensions of the machine network. For example for hopper 17x8x24 This can be NULL, but if provided the algorithm will perform shift of the machine coords so that the largest gap is treated as wrap-around link.

Definition at line 3269 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename proc_coord_t , typename v_lno_t >
void Zoltan2::visualize_mapping ( int  myRank,
const int  machine_coord_dim,
const int  num_ranks,
proc_coord_t **  machine_coords,
const v_lno_t  num_tasks,
const v_lno_t *  task_communication_xadj,
const v_lno_t *  task_communication_adj,
const int *  task_to_rank 

Definition at line 3349 of file Zoltan2_TaskMapping.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static int Zoltan2::zoltanNumObj ( void *  data,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 74 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanObjList ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nLidEnt,
int  wdim,
float *  wgts,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 83 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanParts ( void *  data,
int  ,
int  nLidEnt,
int  nObj,
int *  parts,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 126 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static int Zoltan2::zoltanNumGeom ( void *  data,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 146 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanGeom ( void *  data,
int  ,
int  nLidEnt,
int  nObj,
int  nDim,
double *  coords,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 156 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGSizeCS_withGraphAdapter ( void *  data,
int *  nLists,
int *  nPins,
int *  format,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 186 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGCS_withGraphAdapter ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nLists,
int  ,
int  ,
int *  listIdx,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 204 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGSizeEdgeWts_withGraphAdapter ( void *  data,
int *  nEdges,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 257 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGEdgeWts_withGraphAdapter ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nLidEnt,
int  nEdges,
int  ,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR  edgeGids,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR  edgeLids,
float *  edgeWgts,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 275 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGSizeCS_withMatrixAdapter ( void *  data,
int *  nLists,
int *  nPins,
int *  format,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 338 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGCS_withMatrixAdapter ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nLists,
int  nPins,
int  format,
int *  listIdx,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 379 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGSizeCS_withMeshAdapter ( void *  data,
int *  nLists,
int *  nPins,
int *  format,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 450 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGCS_withMeshAdapter ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nLists,
int  nPins,
int  format,
int *  listIdx,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 487 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static int Zoltan2::zoltanHGNumObj_withModel ( void *  data,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 558 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGObjList_withModel ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nLidEnt,
int  wdim,
float *  wgts,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 568 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGSizeCS_withModel ( void *  data,
int *  nEdges,
int *  nPins,
int *  format,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 623 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
static void Zoltan2::zoltanHGCS_withModel ( void *  data,
int  nGidEnt,
int  nEdges,
int  nPins,
int  format,
int *  edgeIdx,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 641 of file Zoltan2_AlgZoltanCallbacks.hpp.

void Zoltan2::makeDebugManager ( int  rank,
bool  iPrint,
int  level,
std::string  fname,
int  ost,
Teuchos::RCP< DebugManager > &  mgr 

Create an output manager for debugging or status information.

rankthe MPI rank of the calling process in the application
iPrinttrue if this process should output information
fnamename of file to which output is to be appended, or or Z2_UNSET_STRING
ostoutput stream type
mgron return, a pointer to the created output manager

Definition at line 77 of file Zoltan2_Environment.cpp.

template<typename metric_t >
void Zoltan2::makeMetricOutputManager ( int  rank,
bool  iPrint,
std::string  fname,
int  ost,
Teuchos::RCP< MetricOutputManager< metric_t > > &  mgr,
std::string  units,
int  fieldWidth,
RCP< std::ofstream > &  fptr 

Create an output manager for a metric value.

rankthe MPI rank of the calling process in the application
iPrinttrue if this process should print metric information
fnamename of file to which output is to be appended, or or Z2_UNSET_STRING
ostoutput stream type
mgron return, a pointer to the created output manager
fptron return, an RCP to an ofstream if one was created.

The template parameter is the data type of the entity being measured.

Definition at line 656 of file Zoltan2_Environment.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::validIntegralRangeList ( const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &  vals)

A helper function that indicates whether an array is a valid integer range list.

valsAn array that may encode an integer range list.
true if the array encodes such a list, false otherwise.

Definition at line 96 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::allValuesAreInRangeList ( const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &  vals)

A helper function that determines if all values are in the list.

valsAn array encoding an integer range list.
true if the array encoding implies all values, false otherwise.

If the array is not a valid encoding of an integer range list, a std::runtime_error will be thrown.

If the user's parameter value was "all", then after validation the parameter value will be an array of size one containing a code that indicates all values are included, and this function will return true.

Definition at line 126 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::allValuesAreInRangeList ( const Teuchos::ParameterEntry &  e)

A helper function that determines if all values are in the list.

eA parameter entry
true if the entry value is an array encoding all values, false otherwise.

If the entry value is not a valid encoding of an integer range list, a std::runtime_error will be thrown.

If the user's parameter value was "all", then after validation the parameter value will be an array of size one containing a code that indicates all values are included, and this function will return true.

Definition at line 148 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::noValuesAreInRangeList ( const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &  vals)

A helper function that determines if no values are in the list.

valsAn array encoding an integer range list.
true if the array encoding implies no values, false otherwise.

If the array is not a valid encoding of an integer range list, a std::runtime_error will be thrown.

If the user's parameter value was empty, then after validation the parameter value will be an array of size one containing a code that indicates no values are included, and this function will return true.

Definition at line 173 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::noValuesAreInRangeList ( const Teuchos::ParameterEntry &  e)

A helper function that determines if no values are in the list.

eA parameter entry
true if the entry value is an array encoding no values, false otherwise.

If the entry value is not a valid encoding of an integer range list, a std::runtime_error will be thrown.

If the user's parameter value was empty, then after validation the parameter value will be an array of size one containing a code that indicates no values are included, and this function will return true.

Definition at line 195 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::IsInRangeList ( const Integral  val,
const Teuchos::Array< Integral > &  valList,
bool  sorted = true 

A helper function that determines if a value is in the list.

valA value that could be in the list.
valsAn array encoding an integer range list.
sortedSet to false if the integer range list is not sorted
true if the encoding of vals implies val is in the list, false otherwise.

If vals is not a valid encoding of an integer range list, a std::runtime_error will be thrown.

Definition at line 220 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
bool Zoltan2::IsInRangeList ( const Integral  val,
const Teuchos::ParameterEntry &  e 

A helper function that determines if a value is in the list.

valA value that could be in the list.
eA parameter entry
true if the entry value implies val is in the list, false otherwise.

If the entry value is not a valid encoding of an integer range list, a std::runtime_error will be thrown.

Definition at line 255 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
Teuchos::ArrayView<Integral> Zoltan2::getList ( Teuchos::Array< Integral > &  irl)

A helper function that returns a view of the list.

irlThe value of an integer range list parameter after it has been validated
If the user's parameter value did not imply "all" or "none", then a view of the array of integers implied by the value is returned. Otherwise an empty array is returned.

Definition at line 297 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

template<typename Integral >
void Zoltan2::printIntegralRangeList ( std::ostream &  os,
Teuchos::Array< Integral > &  irl 

A helper function that prints the meaning of an encoded integer range list.

osAn output stream to which the list will be printed.
valA value of an integer range list parameter after it has been validated.

Definition at line 317 of file Zoltan2_IntegerRangeList.hpp.

void Zoltan2::createAllParameters ( Teuchos::ParameterList &  pList)

Create a list of all Zoltan2 parameters and validators.

pListon return, pList is the parameter list that was created.

This is the validating parameter list that can be used to process the user's parameter list.

Definition at line 71 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.cpp.

static void Zoltan2::setValidatorsInList ( const Teuchos::ParameterList &  plSome,
const Teuchos::ParameterList &  plAll,
Teuchos::ParameterList &  plVal 

Create a parameter list that can validate a specific list of parameters.

plSomethe user's parameter list
plAlla parameter list with all Zoltan2 parameters and their validators
plValon return is a parameter list with all of the user's parameters, but with validators.

Environment::commitParameters() calls validateParametersAndSetDefaults() on the user's parameter list rather than validateParameters() because we want the validators' validateAndModify() methods to be called rather than the validate() methods. But unfortunately, validateAndModify() in addition to modifying the parameter if necessary also sets it to a default if the parameter does not appear in the user's parameter list.

We want the user's parameters to be modified, but we do not want unset parameters to appear in the validated user's parameter list. To achieve this, we create a validating list that contains only the parameters that appear in the user's parameter list.

Definition at line 120 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.cpp.

void Zoltan2::createValidatorList ( const Teuchos::ParameterList &  plIn,
Teuchos::ParameterList &  plOut 

Create a list by adding validators to the users parameter list.

plInthe user's parameter list
plOuta new parameter list which is the user's list with our validators added.

Definition at line 151 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.cpp.

void Zoltan2::printListDocumentation ( const Teuchos::ParameterList &  pl,
std::ostream &  os,
std::string  listNames 

Definition at line 167 of file Zoltan2_Parameters.cpp.

template<typename User >
RCP<Tpetra::CrsMatrix<int, typename MeshAdapter<User>::lno_t, typename MeshAdapter<User>::gno_t, typename MeshAdapter<User>::node_t> > Zoltan2::get2ndAdjsMatFromAdjs ( const Teuchos::RCP< const MeshAdapter< User > > &  ia,
const RCP< const Comm< int > >  comm,
Zoltan2::MeshEntityType  sourcetarget,
Zoltan2::MeshEntityType  through 

Definition at line 64 of file Zoltan2_ModelHelpers.hpp.

template<typename User >
void Zoltan2::get2ndAdjsViewFromAdjs ( const Teuchos::RCP< const MeshAdapter< User > > &  ia,
const RCP< const Comm< int > >  comm,
Zoltan2::MeshEntityType  sourcetarget,
Zoltan2::MeshEntityType  through,
Teuchos::ArrayRCP< typename MeshAdapter< User >::offset_t > &  offsets,
Teuchos::ArrayRCP< typename MeshAdapter< User >::gno_t > &  adjacencyIds 

Definition at line 197 of file Zoltan2_ModelHelpers.hpp.

template<typename SolutionAdapter , typename DataAdapter >
size_t Zoltan2::getImportList ( const PartitioningSolution< SolutionAdapter > &  solution,
const DataAdapter *const  data,
ArrayRCP< typename DataAdapter::gno_t > &  imports 

From a PartitioningSolution, get a list of IDs to be imported. Assumes part numbers in PartitioningSolution are to be used as rank numbers.

The list returned by solution.getPartListView() is an export list, detailing to which part each ID should move. This method provides a new list, listing the IDs to be imported to this processor.

importson return is the list of global Ids assigned to this process under the Solution.

TODO: Add a version that takes a Mapping solution as well for k!=p.

Definition at line 80 of file Zoltan2_PartitioningHelpers.hpp.

void Zoltan2::AlltoAllCount ( const Comm< int > &  comm,
const Environment &  env,
const ArrayView< const int > &  sendCount,
const ArrayView< int > &  recvCount 

Each process sends a value to every process, an all-to-all.

commThe communicator for the process group involved
envThe environment, required for error messages
sendCountThe number to send to process p is in sendCount[p].
recvCountOn return, The number received from process p will be in recvCount[p].

Note: If Teuchos::Comm adds an AlltoAll method, we should use it instead of this function. TODO

Definition at line 72 of file Zoltan2_AlltoAll.cpp.

void Zoltan2::AlltoAllv ( const Comm< int > &  comm,
const Environment &  env,
const ArrayView< const std::string > &  sendBuf,
const ArrayView< const int > &  sendCount,
ArrayRCP< std::string > &  recvBuf,
const ArrayView< int > &  recvCount 

Definition at line 131 of file Zoltan2_AlltoAll.cpp.

void Zoltan2::AlltoAllv ( const Comm< int > &  comm,
const Environment &  env,
const ArrayView< const unsigned short > &  sendBuf,
const ArrayView< const int > &  sendCount,
ArrayRCP< unsigned short > &  recvBuf,
const ArrayView< int > &  recvCount 

Definition at line 249 of file Zoltan2_AlltoAll.cpp.

void Zoltan2::AlltoAllv ( const Comm< int > &  comm,
const Environment &  env,
const ArrayView< const unsigned char > &  sendBuf,
const ArrayView< const int > &  sendCount,
ArrayRCP< unsigned char > &  recvBuf,
const ArrayView< int > &  recvCount 

Definition at line 271 of file Zoltan2_AlltoAll.cpp.

template<typename T >
void Zoltan2::AlltoAllv ( const Comm< int > &  comm,
const Environment &  env,
const ArrayView< const T > &  sendBuf,
const ArrayView< const int > &  sendCount,
ArrayRCP< T > &  recvBuf,
const ArrayView< int > &  recvCount 

AlltoAllv sends/receives data to/from all processes.

commThe communicator for the process group involved
envThe environment, required for error messages
sendBufThe data to be sent, in destination process rank order
sendCountThe number of Ts to send to process p is in sendCount[p].
recvBufOn return, recvBuf has been allocated and contains the packets sent to this process by others.
recvCountOn return, The number of Ts received from process p will be in recvCount[p].

The data type T must be a type for which either Zoltan2::IdentifierTraits are defined or Teuchos::DirectSerializationTraits is defined.

AlltoAll uses only point-to-point messages. This is to avoid the MPI limitation of integer offsets and counters in collective operations. In other words, sendBuf.size() can exceed a value that fits into 32 bits. However each point to point message size must fit in an int.

It also avoids non-scalable MPI data structures that are associated with collective operations.

In addition it can be used for Zoltan2 global ID data types that are not serializable by Teuchos point-to-point messages.

Definition at line 93 of file Zoltan2_AlltoAll.hpp.

template<typename gno_t >
size_t Zoltan2::findUniqueGidsCommon ( size_t  num_keys,
int  num_gid,
ZOLTAN_ID_PTR  ddkeys,
char *  ddnewgids,
MPI_Comm  mpicomm 

Definition at line 69 of file Zoltan2_findUniqueGids.hpp.

template<typename lno_t , typename gno_t >
size_t Zoltan2::findUniqueGids ( Tpetra::MultiVector< gno_t, lno_t, gno_t > &  keys,
Tpetra::Vector< gno_t, lno_t, gno_t > &  gids 

Definition at line 125 of file Zoltan2_findUniqueGids.hpp.

template<typename key_t , typename gno_t >
size_t Zoltan2::findUniqueGids ( std::vector< key_t > &  keys,
std::vector< gno_t > &  gids,
const Teuchos::Comm< int > &  comm 

Definition at line 196 of file Zoltan2_findUniqueGids.hpp.

template<typename Adapter , typename MachineRep = MachineRepresentation<typename Adapter::scalar_t, typename Adapter::part_t>>
void Zoltan2::globalWeightedByPart ( const RCP< const Environment > &  env,
const RCP< const Comm< int > > &  comm,
const RCP< const GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > > &  graph,
const ArrayView< const typename Adapter::part_t > &  parts,
typename Adapter::part_t numParts,
ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< typename Adapter::scalar_t > > > &  metrics,
ArrayRCP< typename Adapter::scalar_t > &  globalSums,
bool  bMessages = true,
const RCP< const MachineRep >  machine = Teuchos::null 

Given the local partitioning, compute the global weighted cuts in each part.

envEnvironment for error handling
graphGraph model
partpart[i] is the part ID for local object i
numPartson return this is the global number of parts.
metricson return points to a list of named GraphMetricValues cuts that each contains the global max and sum over parts of the item being measured. The list may contain "edge cuts", or "weight 0", "weight 1" and so on in that order. If uniform weights were given, then only "edge cuts" appears. If one set of non-uniform weights were given, then "weight 0" appear. Finally, if multiple weights were given, we have the individual weights "weight 0", "weight 1", and so on.
globalSumsIf weights are uniform, the globalSums is the numParts totals of global number of cuts in each part. Suppose the number of weights is W. If W is 1, then on return this is an array of length numParts . The numParts entries are the total weight in each part. If W is greater than one, then the length of this array is W*numParts . The entries are the sum of the individual weights in each part, by weight index by part number. The array is allocated here.

globalWeightedByPart() must be called by all processes in comm.

Definition at line 94 of file Zoltan2_GraphMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::printGraphMetricsHeader ( std::ostream &  os,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t  numParts 

Print out header info for graph metrics.

Definition at line 532 of file Zoltan2_GraphMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::printGraphMetrics ( std::ostream &  os,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t  numParts,
const ArrayView< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &  infoList 

Print out list of graph metrics.

Definition at line 547 of file Zoltan2_GraphMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::printGraphMetrics ( std::ostream &  os,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t  numParts,
RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t >>  metricValue 

Print out header and a single graph metric.

Definition at line 565 of file Zoltan2_GraphMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename lno_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::globalSumsByPart ( const RCP< const Environment > &  env,
const RCP< const Comm< int > > &  comm,
const ArrayView< const part_t > &  part,
int  vwgtDim,
const ArrayView< StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > > &  vwgts,
multiCriteriaNorm  mcNorm,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t numExistingParts,
part_t numNonemptyParts,
ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &  metrics,
ArrayRCP< scalar_t > &  globalSums 

Given the local partitioning, compute the global sums in each part.

envEnvironment for error handling
partpart[i] is the part ID for local object i
vwgtsvwgts[w] is the StridedData object representing weight index w. The number of weights (which must be at least one TODO WHY?) is taken to be vwgts.size().
mcNormthe multiCriteria norm to be used if the number of weights is greater than one.
targetNumPartsinput: number of requested parts
numExistingPartson return this is the maximum part ID + 1.
numNonemptyPartson return this is the number of those parts that are non-empty.
metricson return points to a list of named MetricValues objects that each contains the global min, max and avg over parts of the item being measured. The list may contain "object count", "normed weight", "weight 0", "weight 1" and so on in that order. If uniform weights were given, then only "object count" appears. If one set of non-uniform weights were given, then "object count" and "weight 0" appear. Finally, if multiple weights were given, we have "object count", then "normed weight", then the individual weights "weight 0", "weight 1", and so on.
globalSumsIf weights are uniform, the globalSums is the numExistingParts totals of global number of objects in each part. Suppose the number of weights is W. If W is 1, then on return this is an array of length 2*numExistingParts . The first numExistingParts entries are the count of objects in each part and the second is the total weight in each part. If W is greater than one, then the length of this array is (2+W)*numExistingParts . The first numExistingParts entries are the count of objects in each part. The next numExistingParts entries are the sum of the normed weights in each part. The final entries are the sum of the individual weights in each part, by weight index by part number. The array is allocated here.

() must be called by all processes in comm. The imbalance metrics are not yet set in the MetricValues objects, because they require part size information.

Definition at line 101 of file Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename Adapter >
void Zoltan2::imbalanceMetrics ( const RCP< const Environment > &  env,
const RCP< const Comm< int > > &  comm,
multiCriteriaNorm  mcNorm,
const Adapter *  ia,
const PartitioningSolution< Adapter > *  solution,
const ArrayView< const typename Adapter::part_t > &  partArray,
const RCP< const GraphModel< typename Adapter::base_adapter_t > > &  graphModel,
typename Adapter::part_t numExistingParts,
typename Adapter::part_t numNonemptyParts,
ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< typename Adapter::scalar_t > > > &  metrics 

Compute imbalance metrics for a distribution.

envThe problem environment.
commThe problem communicator.
iathe InputAdapter object which corresponds to the Solution.
solutionthe PartitioningSolution to be evaluated.
mcNormis the multicriteria norm to use if the number of weights is greater than one. See the multiCriteriaNorm enumerator for mcNorm values.
graphModelthe graph model.
numExistingPartson return is the max Part ID + 1.
numNonemptyPartson return is the global number of parts to which objects are assigned.
metricson return points to a list of named MetricValues objects that each contains the global min, max and avg over parts and also imbalance measures of the item being measured. The list may contain "object count", "normed weight", "weight 0", "weight 1" and so on in that order. If uniform weights were given, then only "object count" appears. If one set of non-uniform weights were given, then "object count" and "weight 0" appear. Finally, if multiple weights were given, we have "object count", then "normed weight", then the individual weights "weight 0", "weight 1", and so on.

objectMetrics() must be called by all processes in comm. See the metricOffset enumerator in the MetricValues class for the interpretation of the metric quantities.

check that part sizes sum to one if we're doing COMPLEX_ASSERTION

Definition at line 350 of file Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::printImbalanceMetricsHeader ( std::ostream &  os,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t  numExistingParts,
part_t  numNonemptyParts 

Print out header info for imbalance metrics.

Definition at line 542 of file Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::printImbalanceMetrics ( std::ostream &  os,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t  numExistingParts,
part_t  numNonemptyParts,
const ArrayView< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &  infoList 

Print out list of imbalance metrics.

Definition at line 562 of file Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetricsUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::printImbalanceMetrics ( std::ostream &  os,
part_t  targetNumParts,
part_t  numExistingParts,
part_t  numNonemptyParts,
RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t >>  metricValue 

Print out header and a single imbalance metric.

Definition at line 583 of file Zoltan2_ImbalanceMetricsUtility.hpp.

void Zoltan2::addNumberToFileName ( int  number,
std::string  fname,
std::string &  newf 

Helper method to add number to a file name.

numberthe number (such as process rank) to add
fnamethe file name to modify
newfon return newf is fname with the rank added to the name.

If fname has no dot in it, then the rank is added to the end of the name. Otherwise the rank is added before the first dot in fname.

Definition at line 56 of file Zoltan2_IO.cpp.

template<typename metric_t , typename scalar_t >
RCP<metric_t> Zoltan2::addNewMetric ( const RCP< const Environment > &  env,
ArrayRCP< RCP< BaseClassMetrics< scalar_t > > > &  metrics 

Definition at line 65 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t >
void Zoltan2::getStridedStats ( const ArrayView< scalar_t > &  v,
int  stride,
int  offset,
scalar_t &  min,
scalar_t &  max,
scalar_t &  sum 

Find min, max and sum of metric values.

va list of values
stridethe value such that v[offset + stride*i] will be included in the calculation for all possible i.
offsetthe offset at which calculation will begin.
minon return, min will hold the minimum of the values.
maxon return, max will hold the maximum of the values.
sumon return, sum will hold the sum of the values.

Definition at line 90 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t >
void Zoltan2::getStridedStats ( const ArrayView< scalar_t > &  v,
int  stride,
int  offset,
scalar_t &  max,
scalar_t &  sum 

Find max and sum of graph metric values.

va list of values
stridethe value such that v[offset + stride*i] will be included in the calculation for all possible i.
offsetthe offset at which calculation will begin.
maxon return, max will hold the maximum of the values.
sumon return, sum will hold the sum of the values.

Definition at line 112 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename lno_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::normedPartWeights ( const RCP< const Environment > &  env,
part_t  numberOfParts,
const ArrayView< const part_t > &  parts,
const ArrayView< StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > > &  vwgts,
multiCriteriaNorm  mcNorm,
scalar_t *  weights 

Compute the total weight in each part on this process.

envthe Environment for error messages
numberOfPartsthe number of Parts with respect to which weights should be computed.
partsthe part Id for each object, which may range from 0 to one less than numberOfParts
vwgtsvwgts[w] is the StridedData object representing weight index w. vwgts[w][i] is the w'th weight for object i.
mcNormthe multiCriteria norm, to be used if the number of weights is greater than one.
weightson return, weights[p] is the total weight for part p. weights is allocated by the caller
  • Zoltan_norm() in Zoltan may scale the weight. Do we ever need this?

< 1-norm = Manhattan norm

< 2-norm = sqrt of sum of squares

< inf-norm = maximum norm

Definition at line 143 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::computeImbalances ( part_t  numExistingParts,
part_t  targetNumParts,
const scalar_t *  psizes,
scalar_t  sumVals,
const scalar_t *  vals,
scalar_t &  min,
scalar_t &  max,
scalar_t &  avg 

Compute the imbalance.

numExistingPartsthe max Part ID + 1, which is the length of the vals array.
targetNumPartsthe number of parts desired, which is the length of the psizes array if it is defined.
psizesif part sizes are not uniform then psizes[p] is the part size for part p, for p ranging from zero to one less than targetNumParts. Part sizes must sum to one. If part sizes are uniform, psizes should be NULL.
sumValsis the sum of the values in the vals list.
vals vals[p] is the amount in part p, for p ranging from zero to one less than numExistingParts.
minon return, min will be the minimum (best) imbalance of all the parts.
maxon return, max will be the maximum imbalance of all the parts.
avgon return avg will be the average imbalance across the parts.

Imbalance is a value between zero and one. If target is the desired amount in part p and actual is the actual amount in part p, then the imbalance is:

abs(target - actual) / target

If the part is supposed to be empty (target is zero), then no imbalance is computed for that part. If actual for that part is non-zero, then other parts are too small and the imbalance will be found in those other parts.

Definition at line 240 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename part_t >
void Zoltan2::computeImbalances ( part_t  numExistingParts,
part_t  targetNumParts,
int  numSizes,
ArrayView< ArrayRCP< scalar_t > >  psizes,
scalar_t  sumVals,
const scalar_t *  vals,
scalar_t &  min,
scalar_t &  max,
scalar_t &  avg 

Compute the imbalance in the case of multiple part sizes.

numExistingPartsthe max Part ID + 1, which is the length of the vals array.
targetNumPartsthe number of parts desired, which is the length of the psizes array if it is defined.
numSizesthe number of part size arrays
psizesis an array of numSizes pointers to part size arrays. If the part sizes for index w are uniform, then psizes[w] should be NULL. Otherwise it should point to targetNumParts sizes, and the sizes for each index should sum to one.
sumValsis the sum of the values in the vals list.
vals vals[p] is the amount in part p, for p ranging from zero to one less than numExistingParts.
minon return, min will be the minimum (best) imbalance of all the parts.
maxon return, max will be the maximum imbalance of all the parts.
avgon return avg will be the average imbalance across the parts.

Imbalance is a value between zero and one. If target is the desired amount in part p and actual is the actual amount in part p, then the imbalance is:

abs(target - actual) / target

If the part is supposed to be empty (target is zero), then no imbalance is computed for that part. If actual for that part is non-zero, then other parts are too small and the imbalance will be found in those other parts.

Definition at line 338 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t >
scalar_t Zoltan2::normedWeight ( ArrayView< scalar_t >  weights,
multiCriteriaNorm  norm 

Compute the norm of the vector of weights.

< 1-norm = Manhattan norm

< 2-norm = sqrt of sum of squares

< inf-norm = maximum norm

Definition at line 456 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename lno_t , typename scalar_t >
scalar_t Zoltan2::normedWeight ( ArrayView< StridedData< lno_t, scalar_t > >  weights,
lno_t  idx,
multiCriteriaNorm  norm 

Compute the norm of the vector of weights stored as StridedData.

Definition at line 505 of file Zoltan2_MetricUtility.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t , typename T >
static void Zoltan2::getInputArrayHelper ( ArrayRCP< const T > &  target,
const ArrayRCP< const scalar_t > &  src 

Definition at line 168 of file Zoltan2_StridedData.hpp.

template<typename scalar_t >
static void Zoltan2::getInputArrayHelper ( ArrayRCP< const scalar_t > &  target,
const ArrayRCP< const scalar_t > &  src 

Definition at line 191 of file Zoltan2_StridedData.hpp.

long Zoltan2::getProcessKilobytes ( )

Definition at line 70 of file Zoltan2_Util.cpp.

template<typename scalar_t >
bool Zoltan2::outsideRegion ( scalar_t  val,
scalar_t  mark,
double  epsilon 

Definition at line 64 of file Zoltan2_Util.hpp.

static void Zoltan2::AssertCondition ( bool  condition,
const std::string &  message,
const char *  file = __FILE__,
int  line = __LINE__ 

Definition at line 69 of file Zoltan2_Util.hpp.

std::string Zoltan2::Zoltan2_Version ( )

Definition at line 59 of file Zoltan2_Version.cpp.

static void Zoltan2::getSphynxValidParameters ( ParameterList &  pl)

Set up validators specific to this algorithm.

Definition at line 72 of file Zoltan2_SphynxProblem.hpp.

static void Zoltan2::setSphynxValidatorsInList ( const Teuchos::ParameterList &  plSome,
const Teuchos::ParameterList &  plAll,
Teuchos::ParameterList &  plVal 

Definition at line 109 of file Zoltan2_SphynxProblem.hpp.

std::string Zoltan2::Sphynx_Version ( )

Definition at line 53 of file Zoltan2_SphynxVersion.cpp.

template<typename key_t , typename gno_t >
size_t Zoltan2::findUniqueGids ( const std::vector< key_t > &  keys,
std::vector< gno_t > &  gids,
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm 

Definition at line 66 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

Zoltan2::DECL_TYPE_NAME ( int  )
Zoltan2::DECL_TYPE_NAME ( long  long)
void Zoltan2::checkNUnique ( std::string &  name,
size_t  nUniqueGids,
size_t  nExpected 

Definition at line 130 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::checkMaxGid ( std::string &  name,
std::vector< gno_t > &  gids,
gno_t  maxExpected,
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm 

Definition at line 140 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::checkMinGid ( std::string &  name,
std::vector< gno_t > &  gids,
gno_t  minExpected,
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm 

Definition at line 162 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::checkNLocallyUnique ( std::string &  name,
std::vector< gno_t > &  gids,
size_t  nExpected 

Definition at line 184 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::test1 ( Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm)

Definition at line 211 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::test2 ( Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm)

Definition at line 256 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::test3 ( Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm)

Definition at line 308 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

template<typename gno_t >
void Zoltan2::test4 ( Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > > &  comm)

Definition at line 372 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

void Zoltan2::print_proc_safe ( const std::string &  message,
Teuchos::RCP< const Teuchos::Comm< int > >  comm,
bool  only_rank0 = true 

Definition at line 84 of file directoryTest_Impl.hpp.

int Zoltan2::runDirectoryTests ( int  narg,
char **  arg 

Definition at line 1391 of file directoryTest_Impl.hpp.

Variable Documentation

const std::string Zoltan2::fail = "FAIL "

Definition at line 126 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.

const std::string Zoltan2::pass = " "

Definition at line 127 of file directoryTest_findUniqueGids.cpp.