[Trilinos-Users] Reading Epetra_Vector element owned by another processor?

S. F. Duki solomonfd at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 18:47:21 EST 2019

Hi All,

I am wondering if you could help me how I can read/search an element of a
distributed Epetra_Vector owned by another processor: Say I want to read an
element owned by processor 1 from processor 2? Here is an example I have

map is defined.........

RCP<Epera_Vector> states = rcp( new Epetra_Vector( *map ) );
double  *s_values;
states->ExtractView( &s_values );

stateIndex = std::distance(s_values, std::find(s_values, s_values +
estimated_size, State));

But this searches/reads only on the processor that owns the elements of
states. I want to read/serach elements owned by all processors as my
estimated_size is much greater than states->MyLength() on a given processor.




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