[Trilinos-Users] LOBPCG direct diagonalization

임재창 ljchang94 at kaist.ac.kr
Mon May 9 07:04:33 EDT 2016

Dear Trilinos developers and users,I'm using Anasazi package to diagonalize sparse matrices with Epetra_CrsMatrix.The matrix dimension is about 1 million and i want to get about 1200 number of lowest eigenvalues and eigen vectorsThe elpased time of each part is as followas you can see "Direct solve" takes much more time than other processes. I guess this part is not parallelized.Anyone knows how to accelerate this part or perform in parrallel manner?thank youTimer Name                                MinOverProcs     MeanOverProcs    MaxOverProcs    MeanOverCallCounts------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anasazi: LOBPCG::Computing residuals      4.096 (12)       4.339 (12)       4.538 (12)      0.3616 (12)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Direct solve             910.2 (12)       925.8 (12)       1024 (12)       77.15 (12)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Initialization           70.62 (4)        70.65 (4)        70.78 (4)       17.66 (4)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Local projection         63.85 (12)       188.2 (12)       308.4 (12)      15.68 (12)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Local update             35.46 (12)       133.4 (12)       149.1 (12)      11.12 (12)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Operation M*x            0 (0)            0 (0)            0 (0)           0 (0)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Operation Op*x           10.63 (12)       130.9 (12)       255.2 (12)      10.9 (12)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Operation Prec*x         0 (0)            0 (0)            0 (0)           0 (0)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Orthogonalization        96.28 (12)       96.61 (12)       97.86 (12)      8.051 (12)Anasazi: LOBPCG::Sorting eigenvalues      0.8634 (12)      1.014 (12)       1.4 (12)        0.08448 (12)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anasazi: LOBPCGSolMgr locking             0 (0)            0 (0)            0 (0)           0 (0)Anasazi: LOBPCGSolMgr::solve()            1482 (2)         1482 (2)         1482 (2)        741 (2)Epetra_CrsMatrix::Multiply(TransA,X,Y)    11.22 (14)       131.7 (14)       256.1 (14)      9.407 (14)
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