[Trilinos-Users] transform an EpetraVector into a boost vector

Antonella Longo antonella.longo at ingv.it
Thu Jul 14 06:17:07 EDT 2016

Dear Trilinos,

I am using the 11.2.5 version.
I must make a mapped copy from an Epetra Vector with its associated map to

How can I do?

Any suggestion or help will be of much use.

Thanks for your attention.

Best Regards,
Antonella Longo
Antonella Longo
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Sezione di Pisa
Via Uguccione della Faggiola, 32
Pisa, Italy
email: antonella.longo at ingv.it
Tel. office: +39 050 8311939
Cell.: +39 339 7532089


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