[Trilinos-Users] error wehn using stk

Dharmendar Reddy dharmareddy84 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 01:40:37 EST 2016

          I see a compile error when i am trying to use stk. Can you help
me fix this:

In the include directory of the trilinos installation i see the following
folders related to stk:

stk_algsup/          stk_mesh/            stk_search/          stk_transfer/
stk_expreval/        stk_rebalance/       stk_search_util/     stk_util/
stk_io/              stk_rebalance_utils/ stk_topology/

note that stk_classic is missing

error message at compile says:

 identifier "Entity" is undefined
  Entity declare_element( BulkData & mesh ,

FEMHelpers.hpp has the following include for entity:

42 #include "stk_mesh/base/Entity.hpp"     // for Entity
 43 namespace stk { namespace mesh { class BulkData; } }
 44 namespace stk { namespace mesh { class Part; } }
 46 namespace stk {
 47 namespace mesh {
 49 Entity declare_element( BulkData & mesh ,

Entity is in the name space stk::mesh

But the Entity.hpp in stk_mesh/base has the following:

 24 #include <stk_mesh/base/Relation.hpp>
 26 namespace stk_classic {
 27 namespace mesh {
 28 typedef RelationVector::const_iterator   RelationIterator;
 29 typedef boost::iterator_range<RelationIterator> RelationRange;
 30 class Entity;

the above Entitiy.hpp is actually from stk_classic/stk_mesh/base

Why is it installed in stk_mesh/base

instead of stk_classic/stk_mesh/base ?
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