[Trilinos-Users] [EXTERNAL] STK mesh

Williams, Alan B william at sandia.gov
Tue Feb 23 10:36:30 EST 2016

Take a look at the small example programs in packages/stk/stk_doc_tests/stk_mesh.
useSimpleFields.cpp shows an extremely simple example of creating a mesh with a couple of tetrahedral elements and allocating a couple of solution-fields.

The main way stk-mesh is usually filled is by reading from an exodus file. createStkMesh.cpp and createStkMeshAlt1.cpp show a couple examples of doing that.


From: Trilinos-Users [mailto:trilinos-users-bounces at trilinos.org] On Behalf Of Dharmendar Reddy
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 12:27 PM
To: trilinos-users at trilinos.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Trilinos-Users] STK mesh

Hello Is there an example of creating stk mesh  from a cell list ?

I have a gmsh generated mesh which i would like to load and use to create a poisson solver.
Can anyone provide me a pseduo code here on setting this up using the new stk interface.
My mesh will be two dimensional with triangular elements.
Mesh has multiple regions.

Equation to be solver is:
-div( grad (psi)) = -C1 * ( n(psi) - p(psi) + C2)
C1 and C2 are constants
n(psi) = N*exp(-psi)
p(psi) = N*exp(psi)

I would like to store psi, n and p every node.

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