[Trilinos-Users] Tpetra & block matrices (FEM)

Cihan Altinay c.altinay at uq.edu.au
Tue Feb 9 18:58:50 EST 2016


I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on how they are using 
Trilinos with FE-like methods that have block sizes > 1?

I can see from the changelog that BlockCrsGraph, BlockMultiVector etc. 
have been deprecated and removed from Tpetra in Version 12.0 but what's 
the alternative? Do I need to unroll the blocks myself? Wouldn't that be 
very inefficient for the solvers?


Cihan Altinay

Computer Scientist, Centre for Geoscience Computing
eResearch Analyst,  Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation
The University of Queensland
T: +61 7 334 64118 / F: +61 7 334 64134

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