[Trilinos-Users] g++ 5 compiler warnings in Teuchos

Cihan Altinay c.altinay at uq.edu.au
Fri Feb 5 00:24:13 EST 2016


We have just started integrating Trilinos into our project and came 
across an issue which is relatively minor but would be nice to have 
fixed. Compiling with -Wextra we see the following warnings which 
ultimately become errors (due to -Werror):

/opt/trilinos/include/Teuchos_SerialDenseMatrix.hpp:436:1: error: base 
class 'class Teuchos::Object' should be explicitly initialized in the 
copy constructor [-Werror=extra]

/opt/trilinos/include/Teuchos_SerialSymDenseMatrix.hpp:469:1: error: 
base class 'class Teuchos::BLAS<int, double>' should be explicitly 
initialized in the copy constructor [-Werror=extra]


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