[Trilinos-Users] PyTrilinos Teuchos Array(string,bool)

Coon, Ethan ecoon at lanl.gov
Mon Sep 21 11:54:53 EDT 2015

Hi all,

I’m hoping to use PyTrilinos to generate ParameterLists, but am having trouble with our need for Array(bool) and Array(string) types.  Are these supported?  Can they be supported?  It seems that everything else works as we need.

Below is an example demonstrating what I get, and attached is a simple script which I would like to work.

Thanks much for your thoughts/comments,


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In [1]: import PyTrilinos

In [2]: print PyTrilinos.__version__

In [3]: import numpy

In [4]: print numpy.__version__

In [5]: my_params = """
<ParameterList name="Main" type="ParameterList">
  <ParameterList name="Regions" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="my_bool" type="bool" value="true" />
    <Parameter name="my_int" type="int" value="3" />
    <Parameter name="my_double" type="double" value="3.1" />
    <Parameter name="my_string" type="string" value="pi" />
    <!--Parameter name="my_bool_array" type="Array(bool)" value="{true,false}" -->
    <Parameter name="my_int_array" type="Array(int)" value="{3,4}" />
    <Parameter name="my_double_array" type="Array(double)" value="{3.1,3.14159}" />
    <!--Parameter name="my_string_array" type="Array(string)" value="{pi,i like pie}" -->

In [6]: from PyTrilinos import Teuchos

In [7]: reader = Teuchos.XMLParameterListReader()

In [8]: source = Teuchos.StringInputSource(my_params)

In [9]: xmlObj = source.getObject()

In [10]: pList  = reader.toParameterList(xmlObj)

In [11]: print pList
{'Regions': {'my_double_array': array([ 3.1    ,  3.14159]), 'my_int': 3, 'my_bool': True, 'my_int_array': array([3, 4], dtype=int32), 'my_string': 'pi', 'my_double': 3.1}}

In [12]: my_params = """
<ParameterList name="Main" type="ParameterList">
  <ParameterList name="Regions" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="my_bool" type="bool" value="true" />
    <Parameter name="my_int" type="int" value="3" />
    <Parameter name="my_double" type="double" value="3.1" />
    <Parameter name="my_string" type="string" value="pi" />
    <!--Parameter name="my_bool_array" type="Array(bool)" value="{true,false}" -->
    <Parameter name="my_int_array" type="Array(int)" value="{3,4}" />
    <Parameter name="my_double_array" type="Array(double)" value="{3.1,3.14159}" />
    <Parameter name="my_string_array" type="Array(string)" value="{pi,i like pie}" />

In [13]: source = Teuchos.StringInputSource(my_params)

In [14]: xmlObj = source.getObject()

In [15]: pList  = reader.toParameterList(xmlObj)

In [16]: print pList
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-8444d27fed69> in <module>()
----> 1 print pList

/n/swdev/ats/trilinos/trilinos-12.2.1-install/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyTrilinos/Teuchos.pyc in __str__(self, *args)
   5433         an equivalent dictionary.
   5434         """
-> 5435         return _Teuchos.ParameterList___str__(self, *args)

/n/swdev/packages/Ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/anaconda-python/2.1.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/numeric.pyc in array_repr(arr, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small)
   1651     if arr.size > 0 or arr.shape==(0,):
   1652         lst = array2string(arr, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small,
-> 1653                            ', ', "array(")
   1654     else: # show zero-length shape unless it is (0,)
   1655         lst = "[], shape=%s" % (repr(arr.shape),)

/n/swdev/packages/Ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/anaconda-python/2.1.0/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/arrayprint.pyc in array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small, separator, prefix, style, formatter)
    447                 x = _convert_arrays(x)
    448             lst = style(x)
--> 449     elif reduce(product, a.shape) == 0:
    450         # treat as a null array if any of shape elements == 0
    451         lst = "[]"

ValueError: Parameter 'my_string_array' is of unsupported type

In [17]: my_params = """
<ParameterList name="Main" type="ParameterList">
  <ParameterList name="Regions" type="ParameterList">
    <Parameter name="my_bool" type="bool" value="true" />
    <Parameter name="my_int" type="int" value="3" />
    <Parameter name="my_double" type="double" value="3.1" />
    <Parameter name="my_string" type="string" value="pi" />
    <Parameter name="my_bool_array" type="Array(bool)" value="{true,false}" />
    <Parameter name="my_int_array" type="Array(int)" value="{3,4}" />
    <Parameter name="my_double_array" type="Array(double)" value="{3.1,3.14159}" />
    <Parameter name="my_string_array" type="Array(string)" value="{pi,i like pie}" />

In [18]: source = Teuchos.StringInputSource(my_params)

In [19]: xmlObj = source.getObject()

In [20]: pList  = reader.toParameterList(xmlObj)
SystemError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-f48bdc85f5fb> in <module>()
----> 1 pList  = reader.toParameterList(xmlObj)

/n/swdev/ats/trilinos/trilinos-12.2.1-install/lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyTrilinos/Teuchos.pyc in toParameterList(self, *args)
   5916     def toParameterList(self, *args):
   5917         """toParameterList(XMLParameterListReader self, XMLObject xml) -> ParameterList"""
-> 5918         return _Teuchos.XMLParameterListReader_toParameterList(self, *args)

SystemError: /n/swdev/ats/trilinos/trilinos-12.2.1-source/packages/teuchos/parameterlist/src/Teuchos_ParameterEntryXMLConverterDB.cpp:85:

Throw number = 11

Throw test that evaluated to true: it == getConverterMap().end()

Can't find converter for parameter entry of type: Array(bool)

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