[Trilinos-Users] Compile/linking time

Christopher Thiele christopher.thiele92 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 12:41:02 EDT 2015


I just installed Trilinos and tried some examples on solving linear systems
with Tpetra, Belos and Ifpack2. So far it works fine, but compiling and
linking my example code, which has less than 200 lines, takes very long
(several minutes). This makes it a bit difficult for me to try different
solver and preconditioner settings etc. I did not install any packages
except the ones mentioned before, Muelu and dependencies. I already tried
static and dynamic linking, but it does not make much of a difference.

I appreciate any suggestions.


P.S.: The call to the compiler reads:

mpicxx -std=c++11 -fopenmp -O3  test.cc -o test  -lteko -lstratimikos
-lstratimikosbelos -lstratimikosaztecoo -lstratimikosamesos -lstratimikosml
-lstratimikosifpack -lifpack2-adapters -lifpack2 -lzoltan2 -lanasazitpetra
-lModeLaplace -lanasazi -lbelostpetra -lbelos -lml -lifpack -lpamgen_extras
-lpamgen -lamesos2 -lamesos -lgaleri-xpetra -lgaleri -laztecoo -lisorropia
-lthyratpetra -lthyracore -lthyratpetra -lthyracore -lxpetra-sup
-lxpetra-ext -lxpetra -ltpetraext -ltpetrainout -ltpetra -lkokkostsqr
-ltpetrakernels -ltpetraclassiclinalg -ltpetraclassicnodeapi
-ltpetraclassic -ltpetraext -ltpetrainout -ltpetra -lkokkostsqr
-ltpetrakernels -ltpetraclassiclinalg -ltpetraclassicnodeapi
-ltpetraclassic -ltriutils -lzoltan -lrtop -lteuchoskokkoscomm
-lteuchoskokkoscompat -lteuchosremainder -lteuchosnumerics -lteuchoscomm
-lteuchosparameterlist -lteuchoscore -lteuchoskokkoscomm
-lteuchoskokkoscompat -lteuchosremainder -lteuchosnumerics -lteuchoscomm
-lteuchosparameterlist -lteuchoscore -lkokkosalgorithms -lkokkoscontainers
-lkokkoscore -lkokkosalgorithms -lkokkoscontainers -lkokkoscore -ltpi
-lgtest /usr/lib64/liblapack.so /usr/lib64/libblas.so
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