[Trilinos-Users] Anasazi LI and SI bug + patch

Pavel Holoborodko pavel at holoborodko.com
Tue Sep 1 01:27:35 EDT 2015

BlockKrylovSchurSolMgr crashes when used in 'LI' and 'SI' modes.
(or TREXC ends with error "** on entry DTREXC, parameter number 7 had an
illegal value")

BlockKrylovSchur requires that conjugate Ritz values are stored one after
(e.g. TREXC, sortRitzValues, etc.)

But, in case of 'LI' and 'SI', BasicSort::sort breaks conjugate pairs and
might place them far apart after sorting.

As a result, this code is unpredictable, AnasaziBlockKrylovSchur.hpp,
1604-1605 lines:

    // Sort using both the real and imaginary parts of the Ritz values.
    sm_->sort(tmp_rRitzValues, tmp_iRitzValues,
Teuchos::rcpFromRef(ritzOrder_) , curDim_); *// <- places conjugate values
    HelperTraits<ScalarType>::sortRitzValues( tmp_rRitzValues,
tmp_iRitzValues, &ritzValues_, &ritzOrder_, &ritzIndex_ ); *// <- requires
clustered conjugate pairs*

Patch is in attachment.
It makes the BasicSort class to preserve clustered storage of conjugate
eigenvalues in 'LI' and 'SI' modes.

Please consider applying the patch as now Anasazi is unable to operate in
LI and SI modes (finding eigenvalues with largest/smallest imaginary parts).

Thank you,
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