[Trilinos-Users] Fwd: Converting Tpetra CrsMatrix

Pate Motter pate.motter at colorado.edu
Wed May 6 15:34:49 EDT 2015


I was wondering what the correct method for converting a complex Tpetra
CrsMatrix to a new real Tpetra CrsMatrix just by taking the real portion
from each scalar. I am trying to use the convert() method, but I am getting


My Code:
//  here MATC is defined as  Tpetra::CrsMatrix<std::complex<double>, LO,
//  MAT is defined as Tpetra::CrsMatrix<double, LO, GO, NT>
void func(const RCP<MATC> &A){
RCP<Tpetra::CrsMatrix<double, int, int, NT> > B = A->convert();

The error:
/home/pamo8800/tpetra/functions/builtin.cpp(44): error: no instance of
function template "Tpetra::CrsMatrix<Scalar, LocalOrdinal, GlobalOrdinal,
Node>::convert [with Scalar=ST={double}, LocalOrdinal=LO={int},
GlobalOrdinal=GO={int64_t={long}}, Node=NT]" matches the argument list
            object type is: MAT
        RCP<Tpetra::CrsMatrix<double, int, int, NT> > B = A->convert();
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