[Trilinos-Users] preconditioner construction error

Templeton, Jeremy Alan jatempl at sandia.gov
Thu Apr 23 11:21:59 EDT 2015

Hi there, I’m trying to construct an ILUT preconditioner for a previously constructed sparse matrix and I get the mapping error below.  I have confirmed the sparse matrix has the domain and range maps I would expect (this happens in serial so its easy) and the matrix seems correctly constructed.  Unfortunately, I can’t replicate this error with a simple problem and I have several other tests using similar functionality which don’t exhibit the problem.  So I’m 99% sure that this is caused by pilot error, but what would be helpful is a bit of insight as to what the error means and what kinds of mistakes might cause it.

Tpetra::CrsMatrix::insertLocalValues: You attempted to insert entries in owned row 0, at the following column indices: {0}.
Of those, the following indices are not in the column Map on this process: {0}.
Since the matrix has a column Map already, it is invalid to insert entries at those locations.

Jeremy A. Templeton, Ph.D.
Thermal/Fluid Sciences & Engineering
jatempl at sandia.gov<mailto:jatempl at sandia.gov>

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