[Trilinos-Users] Tpetra and threads

Martin Vymazal martin.vymazal at vki.ac.be
Mon Apr 13 07:49:21 MDT 2015


 I have a toy FE problem, for which I use Tpetra map, and Tpetra CRS matrix to 
store and solve the linear system. Everything works fine when I run the code in 
serial, but when I try assembly with 2 threads (using std::thread from C++11), 
I get memory crashes.

What I'm trying to do is this:
1) Initialize system matrix (in serial)
2) Run assembly with multiple threads (that I launched outside of Trilinos)
3) When assembly is finished and threads join, solve the linear system (in 
serial again)

I understand that this is not the best/most optimal way, but all I wanted to 
try is a simple test and it would really help me if I could ask Tpetra/Kokkos 
not to get in my way. From the output it seems that Kokkos starts 
automatically its own thread and it probably does not like the fact that later 
on, different number of threads accumulate in the system matrix.

I get the following:

Kokkos::HostSpace::decrement( 0x168c180 ) ERROR :  memory not being tracked

I searched for examples how to set the Tpetra map parameters in order to 
control the number of threads, but they all only show how (not) to use MPI, 
nothing said about multithreading ... Is what I'm trying to do possible? Can I 
tell Trilinos 'not to worry' about my threads?

Thank you for your help,

 Martin Vymazal

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