[Trilinos-Users] Question about Anasazi StatusTest

홍광우 kwangwoo at kaist.ac.kr
Wed Sep 24 04:31:19 MDT 2014

 Dear Alicia,

Thank you for your help. But I cannot find the class StatusTestGetUnconverged on the online trilinos manual. How can I get the manual of StatusTestGetUnconverged?



보낸사람 : Alicia M Klinvex <aklinvex at purdue.edu>
받는사람: 홍광우<yuriprime at kaist.ac.kr>
참 조: trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov
보낸날짜: 2014-09-23 23:00:56 GMT +0900 (Asia/Seoul)
제목: Re: [Trilinos-Users] Question about Anasazi StatusTest

Hello Kwangwoo,

You need to define a class StatusTestGetUnconverged (or whatever you wish to call it) that inherits from StatusTest.  Inside the checkStatus method, you should call the functions that get the Ritz values and vectors and record them.  I assume checkStatus should always return FAILED in your case; hopefully someone else can chime in about that.

After you've defined that class and created an object of type StatusTestGetUnconverged in your main function, you're going to call setDebugStatusTest to give it to your solver manager.

I don't have any code that does EXACTLY what you're looking for, but I have written my own status tests before.  I have attached a piece of code I wrote to check the residual for a problem that's undergone a spectral transformation.  Anyway, the point is you can ignore the body of the code; just pay attention to the structure.  You can pretty much just take that file, wipe out the body of each function, and substitute in your own code.

Good luck,

Alicia Klinvex

----- Original Message -----

From: "홍광우" <yuriprime at kaist.ac.kr>

To: trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 3:08:21 AM

Subject: [Trilinos-Users] Question about Anasazi StatusTest

Dear Trilinos developers and users, 

Hello. I want to use Anasazi::setDebugStatusTest when I use LOBPCGSolMgr to get the unconverged Ritz vectors and Ritz values. 

To use setDebugStatusTest, I have to define Anasazi::StatusTest(). There are 5 StatusTest. 

(StatusTestCombo, StatusTestMaxIters, StatusTestOutput, StatusTestResNorm, StatusTestWithOrdering) 

Which one should be selected to get the Ritz vectors and values? 

Kwangwoo Hong 


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