[Trilinos-Users] Odd Behavior in EpetraExt_HDF5

Jonathan Hu jhu at sandia.gov
Mon Sep 15 15:10:24 MDT 2014

> I am using the EpetraExt_HDF5 interface to save and load solutions, but
> I've run into some odd behavior and was wondering if anyone could
> explain it. My goal is to have each processor write out its own part of
> the solution in a different HDF5 file. For the time being, I am assuming
> that the number of processors loading the solution is equal to the
> number writing it. Since each processor is completely independent, I
> shouldn't get any weird race conditions or anything like that
> (theoretically). In order to communicate this to EpetraExt, I am using a
> Epetra_SerialComm in the constructor. However, the following code hangs
> when I run with 2 mpi nodes
> {
>     int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
>     Epetra_SerialComm Comm;
>     EpetraExt::HDF5 hdf5(Comm);
>     hdf5.Create("file"+Teuchos::toString(commRank)+".h5");
>     vector<double> testVec;
>     for (int i=0; i<1000+1000*commRank; i++)
>     {
>       testVec.push_back(1.0);
>     }
>     hdf5.Write("Test", "Group", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, testVec.size(),
> &testVec[0]);
> }
> {
>     int commRank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
>     Epetra_SerialComm Comm;
>     EpetraExt::HDF5 hdf5(Comm);
>     hdf5.Open("file"+Teuchos::toString(commRank)+".h5");
>     hdf5.Close();
> }
> Note that commRank 0 writes 1000 elements while commRank 1 writes 2000.
> The code works just fine when both write the same number of elements.
> Can someone enlighten me on what I am doing wrong? Is it possible to get
> the behavior I want, where each processor's read and write is
> independent of others?
> Thanks,
> Truman Ellis

     Rank 1 is loading/writing testVec from from 0..2000 due to the 
bounds in your for loop.  I'm guessing that you want rank 1 to load from 
1001..2000 instead, so replace

    for (int i=0; i<1000+1000*commRank; i++)


    for (int i=1000*commRank; i<1000+1000*commRank; i++)

Hope this helps.


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