[Trilinos-Users] CMake with Visual Studio 2010 worked. trilinos-11.12.1-Source

nicholas ferguson nicholasferguson at wingarch.com
Sun Nov 2 07:48:46 MST 2014

I needed to review Intrepid, Teuchos, Shards for their multi index


1.  At \trilinos-11.12.1-Source 

                created directory \build


2.  Used cmake-gui.

                source directory was \trilinos-11.12.1-Source

                build directory was \trilinos-11.12.1-Source\build


downloaded from github   sdkpub . it has a good blas lapack


cmake build type DEBUG

added paths to boost


Big issue is to make this selection in CMAKE GUI:


  BUILD_SHARED_LIBS    as NO  ( there is no export of any functions..so this
cannot be set to true)


Then reviewed errors msgs in cmake gui, then set appropriate flags and
directories in cmake gui.


Eventually I could debug in Visual Studio 2010, examples for
FieldContainers, in the intrepid package.



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