[Trilinos-Users] Not able to load shared library, undefined symbol in Trilinos

Chaomei Lo chaomeilo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 16:09:26 MDT 2014

I have an application (using Trilinos) which I am not the author, but I
created a share library using "-fPIC "and "-shared".  The application ran
fine by creating an executable and the shared library was created fine.

Then I created R package using Rcpp to call the functions in this
application, when I do "R CMD check gpkg" - do compilation and linking, it
gave me the following error.  I have linked the shared library created from
the application which use Trilinos, and I have linked to a lot of Trilinos
libraries.  From the following error with the undefined symbol. it seems
trying to find "KokkosClassic OpenMPNode DefaultHostSparseOps details
FirstTouchCRSAllocator". The application I am running used
"Kokkos::OpenMPNode" to create Tpetra::CrsMatrix.
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
  unable to load shared object '/people/me/.Rlibs/gpkg/libs/gpkg.so':
  /people/me/.Rlibs/gpkg/libs/gpkg.so: undefined symbol:
If anyone can give me some suggestion what I miss here would be highly

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