[Trilinos-Users] insertion/deletion in Tpetra vector/multivector

Hoemmen, Mark mhoemme at sandia.gov
Sun Jun 15 22:24:44 MDT 2014

On 6/14/14, 12:00 PM, "trilinos-users-request at software.sandia.gov"
<trilinos-users-request at software.sandia.gov> wrote:
>Message: 1
>Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 15:16:51 +0000
>From: "Templeton, Jeremy Alan" <jatempl at sandia.gov>
>To: "trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov"
>	<trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov>
>Subject: [Trilinos-Users] insertion/deletion in Tpetra
>	vector/multivector
>Message-ID: <6D01B8B4-FEB6-4D1A-A59A-9E2FC7D661BD at sandia.gov>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Hi there.  I'm using Tpetra multi vectors to represent data that can be
>adaptively updated, i.e., there is the need to efficiently remove and
>insert elements.  What I've done in other codes is maintain a double *
>allocated beyond the length needed which can then be wrapped by a vector
>class by telling it the fill length and letting the vector do efficient
>math.  Insertion and deletion are then either constant or log N time
>depending on whether the array is unsorted or sorted.  Is there a way to
>get this same functionality directly with multi vector, or failing that,
>is there an easy way to manage a C++ array and have the multi vector wrap

Hi Jeremy!

Thanks for the helpful explanation!  MultiVector wasn't designed for
dynamic resizing.  You may _view_ a subset of the MultiVector using a
different Map, possibly with an offset.  You may even change the Map in
place (replaceMap).  However, MultiVector doesn't give you a way to
increase its local dimensions after its creation.  (That would change the
MultiVector's Map on one process, without telling the other processes
about the change.)

You may certainly use a MultiVector to view any column-major array of type
Scalar.  The constructor that takes four arguments (Teuchos::RCP<const
Map<...> >, Teuchos::ArrayRCP<Scalar>, size_t LDA, size_t numVectors)
supports this use case.  However, MultiVector does not give you a way to
change what data a MultiVector views (that is, change its local data
pointer), after the MultiVector has been constructed.  Thus, if you need
to increase the number of rows on a process, you will have to create a new
MultiVector with a new Map that has the appropriate number of local
entries on that process.

If you have an upper bound on the local dimensions on each process, you
could create a MultiVector of maximum size, and then get views of
(contiguous) subsets of rows and/or (possibly noncontiguous) subsets of
columns.  See the "Data copy and view methods" section of MultiVector's


The above only applies to Tpetra (and Epetra, which has the same
restrictions).  If you want dynamically resizable data structures on a
single process, the Kokkos package might have what you want.  Note that
dynamic resizing makes thread parallelism hard and should be treated like
a barrier or collective.  "Count, Allocate, Fill, Compute"! :-)

Please feel free to contact us directly, in case you have more questions!

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