[Trilinos-Users] Muelu issue with exported Tpetra CrsMatrix

C.S. Natarajan csnataraj at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 12:00:11 MDT 2014

      I am running into a strange issue when building the MG hierarchy with
Muelu. This only happens for large problems. I am pasting a minimal example
that can reproduce the error. The example assembles a Laplace operator on a
structured grid with Q1 elements with Dirichlet boundary condition in the Z
direction and Neumann BC's in the X and Y direction. In the example there
are two global node maps. gmap and gmap2. gmap is used to build matrix A
which has an unequal distribution of nodes in each processor. gmap2 is used
to export matrix A from gmap to matrix B which contains approximately the
same number of nodes in each processor. For a problem of size 512^3, while
A builds fine, building the hierarchy with matrix B fails with a memory
corruption error that ends with a MPI_Reduce_scatter error. I am using the
public git version as of 08/11. The build is with intel C++ 14.0.0 and
support for long long int is enabled (do i also need to enable ilp64 from

I would really appreciate any input on what I might be doing wrong or
whether there is a bug in the Muelu library.


#include <sstream>

//Epetra Includes
#include "Epetra_BlockMap.h"
#include "Epetra_Comm.h"
#include "Epetra_MpiComm.h"
#include "Epetra_VbrMatrix.h"
#include "Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix.h"
#include "Epetra_FEVector.h"
#include "Epetra_FEVbrMatrix.h"

// Intrepid includes
#include "Intrepid_ArrayTools.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_FunctionSpaceTools.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_FieldContainer.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_CellTools.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_RealSpaceTools.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_DefaultCubatureFactory.hpp"
#include "Intrepid_Utils.hpp"
#include <Intrepid_HGRAD_QUAD_C1_FEM.hpp>

//Sacado Includes
#include "Sacado.hpp"

//Shards Includes
#include "Shards_CellTopology.hpp"

//Teuchos Includes
#include "Teuchos_Array.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_ArrayView.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_ArrayViewDecl.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_BLAS.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_CommandLineProcessor.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_DefaultMpiComm.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_FancyOStream.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_GlobalMPISession.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_oblackholestream.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_OrdinalTraits.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_RCP.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_ScalarTraits.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_SerialDenseMatrix.hpp"
#include "Teuchos_ArrayRCPDecl.hpp"

//Lone survivor from Tpetra
#include "Tpetra_DefaultPlatform.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_Version.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_BlockMap_decl.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_BlockMap.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_Vector.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_VbrMatrix.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_DistObject_decl.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_BlockMultiVector.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_BlockMultiVector_decl.hpp"
#include "Tpetra_MultiVector.hpp"

//Muelu includes
#include "MueLu.hpp"
#include "MueLu_FactoryManager.hpp"
#include "MueLu_DirectSolver.hpp"
#include "MueLu_Hierarchy.hpp"
#include "MueLu_SaPFactory.hpp"
#include "MueLu_GenericRFactory.hpp"
#include "MueLu_RAPFactory.hpp"
#include "MueLu_TentativePFactory.hpp"
#include "MueLu_Ifpack2Smoother.hpp"
#include "MueLu_SmootherFactory.hpp"
#include "MueLu_RigidBodyModeFactory.hpp"
#include <MueLu_UseDefaultTypes.hpp>
#include <MueLu_MLParameterListInterpreter.hpp>
#include "MueLu_Amesos2Smoother.hpp"
#include <BelosConfigDefs.hpp>
#include <BelosLinearProblem.hpp>
#include <BelosBlockCGSolMgr.hpp>
#include <BelosXpetraAdapter.hpp>
#include <BelosMueLuAdapter.hpp>
#include <MueLu_UseShortNames.hpp>

using namespace Intrepid;
typedef double                            ST;
typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<ST>        SCT;
typedef SCT::magnitudeType                MT;
typedef long long int LLT;
typedef Kokkos::DefaultNode::DefaultNodeType NO;
typedef Tpetra::CrsMatrix<ST, LO, LLT, NO, LMO> matrix_type;
typedef Tpetra::Map<LO, LLT, NO> map_type;
using Teuchos::RCP;
using Teuchos::rcp;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

        using Teuchos::Array;
        Teuchos::oblackholestream nullStream;
        Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc,&argv, NULL);
        Epetra_MpiComm ecomm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm =
        size_t myRank = comm->getRank();
        size_t nProc = comm->getSize();
        std::ostream &out = (myRank == 0)?std::cout:nullStream;
        Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::FancyOStream> fout =
Teuchos::getFancyOStream(Teuchos::rcpFromRef (out));

        Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor clp;

        int GNEX = 64;
        clp.setOption("NX", &GNEX, "Number of elements in X-direction.");

        int GNEY = 64;
        clp.setOption("NY", &GNEY, "Number of elements in Y-direction.");

        int GNEZ = 64;
        clp.setOption("NZ", &GNEZ, "Number of elements in Z-direction.");

        long long grow = 128;
        clp.setOption("grow", &grow, "Global row number");

        std::string matrix("original");
        clp.setOption("matrix", &matrix, "original = A, exported = b");


        Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::EParseCommandLineReturn parseReturn
= clp.parse(argc, argv);
        if(parseReturn ==
Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_HELP_PRINTED) return 0;
        if(parseReturn != Teuchos::CommandLineProcessor::PARSE_SUCCESSFUL)
return 1;

        const int numGElements =

        const int GNNX = GNEX+1, GNNY = GNEY+1, GNNZ=
        const int numGNodes    = GNNX*GNNY*GNNZ;
        const int numGDof      =
        out << "\t\t Number of global elements is : " << numGElements <<
        out << "\t\t Number of global nodes is    : " << numGNodes << "\n";

        Epetra_Map elemZMap(GNEZ, 0, ecomm);
        long count = GNNZ/nProc;
        long np; np = GNNZ - (nProc*count);
        count += (myRank < np)?1:0;

        long long int nnu =

        LO indexBase = 0;
        Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Map<LO, LLT> > gmap = Teuchos::rcp(new
Tpetra::Map<LO,LLT>(-1, nnu, indexBase, comm));
        int numLNodes = gmap->getNodeNumElements();

        int startOverlapZ = (myRank ==

        int endOverlapZ = (myRank ==

        startOverlapZ /= (GNNX*GNNY); endOverlapZ /=

        int startX = 0; int endX = GNNX;

        int startUY = (myRank == 0)?
// Unique map start index
        int endUY   = (myRank ==
nProc-1)?endOverlapZ:(endOverlapZ-1);                                   //
Unique map end index

        int numLElemZ = elemZMap.NumMyElements();
        int numLElemX = GNEX, numLElemY = GNEY;
        int numLElems = numLElemX*numLElemY*numLElemZ;
        int startElemZ = elemZMap.GID(0);
        int endElemZ = elemZMap.GID(numLElemZ-1);
        int startNodeZ = startElemZ;
        int endNodeZ = endElemZ+1;

        typedef shards::CellTopology    CellTopology;
        CellTopology h8(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Hexahedron<8>
>() );
        // Get dimensions
        int numNodesPerElem = h8.getNodeCount();
        int spaceDim = h8.getDimension();

        FieldContainer<int> elemNode(numLElems, numNodesPerElem);
        int lElem = 0;
        for(int k = startElemZ; k <= endElemZ; k++)
                for (int j = 0; j < GNEY; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < GNEX; i++)
                                elemNode(lElem,0) = (GNNX*GNNY)*k +
(GNNX)*j + i;
                                elemNode(lElem,1) = (GNNX*GNNY)*k +
(GNNX)*j + i + 1;
                                elemNode(lElem,2) = (GNNX*GNNY)*k +
(GNNX)*(j + 1) + i + 1;
                                elemNode(lElem,3) = (GNNX*GNNY)*k +
(GNNX)*(j + 1) + i;
                                elemNode(lElem,4) = (GNNX*GNNY)*(k+1) +
(GNNX)*j + i;
                                elemNode(lElem,5) = (GNNX*GNNY)*(k+1) +
(GNNX)*j + i + 1;
                                elemNode(lElem,6) = (GNNX*GNNY)*(k+1) +
(GNNX)*(j + 1) + i + 1;
                                elemNode(lElem,7) = (GNNX*GNNY)*(k+1) +
(GNNX)*(j + 1) + i;

        double leftX = 0.0, rightX = 1.0;
        double leftY = 0.0, rightY = 1.0;
        double leftZ = 0.0, rightZ = 1.0;

        hx = hy = hz = 1;
        numLNodes = (numLElemZ+1)*(numLElemY+1)*(numLElemX+1);
        FieldContainer<double> nodeCoord(numLNodes, spaceDim);
        FieldContainer<int> nodeOnBoundary(numLNodes);

        int inode = 0;

        for (int k = startNodeZ; k <= endNodeZ; k++)
                for (int j = 0; j < GNNY; j++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < GNNX; i++)
                                nodeCoord(inode,0) = leftX + (double)i*hx;
                                nodeCoord(inode,1) = leftY + (double)j*hy;
                                nodeCoord(inode,2) = leftZ +

        DefaultCubatureFactory<double>  cubFactory;
        int cubDegree = 3;
        Teuchos::RCP<Cubature<double> > hexCub = cubFactory.create(h8,

        int cubDim       = hexCub->getDimension();
        int numCubPoints = hexCub->getNumPoints();

        FieldContainer<double> cubPoints(numCubPoints, cubDim);
        FieldContainer<double> cubWeights(numCubPoints);

        hexCub->getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);

        Basis_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM<double, FieldContainer<double> >
        int numFieldsG = hexHGradBasis.getCardinality();

        FieldContainer<double> hexGVals(numFieldsG, numCubPoints);
        FieldContainer<double> hexGrads(numFieldsG, numCubPoints, spaceDim);

        hexHGradBasis.getValues(hexGVals, cubPoints, OPERATOR_VALUE);
        hexHGradBasis.getValues(hexGrads, cubPoints, OPERATOR_GRAD);

        typedef CellTools<double>  CellTools;
        typedef FunctionSpaceTools fst;
        int numCells = 1;

        FieldContainer<double> hexNodes(numCells, numNodesPerElem,

        FieldContainer<double> hexJacobian(numCells, numCubPoints,
spaceDim, spaceDim);
        FieldContainer<double> hexJacobInv(numCells, numCubPoints,
spaceDim, spaceDim);
        FieldContainer<double> hexJacobDet(numCells, numCubPoints);

        FieldContainer<double> localStiffMatrix(numCells, numFieldsG,
        FieldContainer<double> weightedMeasure(numCells, numCubPoints);
        FieldContainer<double> hexGradsTransformed(numCells, numFieldsG,
numCubPoints, spaceDim);
        FieldContainer<double> hexGradsTransformedWeighted(numCells,
numFieldsG, numCubPoints, spaceDim);

        FieldContainer<double> rhsData(numCells, numCubPoints);
        FieldContainer<double> localRHS(numCells, numFieldsG);
        FieldContainer<double> hexGValsTransformed(numCells, numFieldsG,
        FieldContainer<double> hexGValsTransformedWeighted(numCells,
numFieldsG, numCubPoints);
        FieldContainer<double> physCubPoints(numCells, numCubPoints,

        Teuchos::Array<ST> values(8);
        Teuchos::Array<long long int> cols(8);
        Teuchos::RCP<matrix_type> A = rcp(new matrix_type(gmap, 27));

        long long int rowIndex = 0, colIndex = 0, ierr, ix;
        for(int i = 0; i < lElem; i++)
                for(int j = 0; j < numNodesPerElem; j++)

                        ix = (elemNode(i,j)%GNNX);
                        hexNodes(0,j,0) = ix*hx;
                        hexNodes(0,j,1) = ((elemNode(i,j)%(GNNX*GNNY) -
                        hexNodes(0,j,2) = (elemNode(i,j)/(GNNX*GNNY))*hz;

                CellTools::setJacobian(hexJacobian, cubPoints, hexNodes,
                CellTools::setJacobianInv(hexJacobInv, hexJacobian );
                CellTools::setJacobianDet(hexJacobDet, hexJacobian );

hexJacobInv, hexGrads);

hexJacobDet, cubWeights);

weightedMeasure, hexGradsTransformed);

hexGradsTransformed, hexGradsTransformedWeighted, COMP_BLAS);
                for (int row = 0; row < numFieldsG; row++)
                        rowIndex = elemNode(i,row);
                        for (int col = 0; col < numFieldsG; col++)
                                cols[col] = elemNode(i,col);
                                values[col] = localStiffMatrix(0, row, col);
                        if ((hexNodes(0,row,2) == 0) || (hexNodes(0,row,2)
== GNEZ))
                                std::fill(values.begin(), values.end(), 0);
                        A->insertGlobalValues(rowIndex, cols, values);


        LLT drow = 0, maxind = 0, down = GNNX*GNNY, top =
        LO num_local_nodes;
        maxind = gmap->getMaxGlobalIndex();

        num_local_nodes = gmap->getNodeNumElements();
        if ((drow < down) || (maxind >= top))
                for(int i = 0; i < num_local_nodes; i++)
                        drow = gmap->getGlobalElement(i);
                        if ((drow < down) || (drow >= top))
Teuchos::tuple<long long int>(drow), Teuchos::tuple<ST>(1.0));


        RCP<Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> > x1 = rcp(new
Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> (A->getDomainMap ()));
        RCP<Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> > b1 = rcp(new
Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> (A->getRangeMap ()));
        A->apply(*x1, *b1);
        out << "Norm of b1 is " << b1->norm2() << std::endl;

        Teuchos::RCP< map_type> gmap2 = rcp (new map_type (numGNodes,
indexBase, comm, Tpetra::GloballyDistributed));
        Teuchos::RCP<matrix_type> B = Teuchos::rcp(new matrix_type (gmap2,
        typedef Tpetra::Export<LO, LLT, NO> export_type;
        export_type exporter (gmap, gmap2);
        B->doExport (*A, exporter, Tpetra::INSERT);

        RCP<Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> > x2 = rcp(new
Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> (B->getDomainMap ()));
        RCP<Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> > b2 = rcp(new
Tpetra::Vector<SC, LO, LLT, NO> (B->getRangeMap ()));
        B->apply(*x2, *b2);
        out << "Norm of b2 is " << b2->norm2() << std::endl;

        Teuchos::Array<ST> crsvals;
        size_t NumEntries = 0;
        Teuchos::Array<LLT> indices;
        NumEntries = B->getNumEntriesInGlobalRow(grow);
        if (NumEntries != Teuchos::OrdinalTraits<size_t>::invalid())
                std::cout << "outputting crs values " << std::endl;
                indices.resize(NumEntries); crsvals.resize(NumEntries);
                A->getGlobalRowCopy (grow, indices(), crsvals(),
                for(int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
                        std::cout << indices[i] << " " << crsvals[i] <<

        Xpetra::UnderlyingLib lib = Xpetra::UseTpetra;
        Teuchos::RCP<Xpetra::CrsMatrix<ST, LO, LLT, NO, LMO> > mueluM_;
        if (matrix == "original")
                mueluM_ = rcp(new Xpetra::TpetraCrsMatrix<ST, LO, LLT, NO,
                mueluM_ = rcp(new Xpetra::TpetraCrsMatrix<ST, LO, LLT, NO,

        Teuchos::RCP<Xpetra::Matrix <ST, LO, LLT, NO, LMO> > mueluA =
rcp(new Xpetra::CrsMatrixWrap<ST, LO, LLT, NO, LMO>(mueluM_));

        Teuchos::RCP<MueLu::Hierarchy<ST, LO, LLT, NO, LMO> > H = rcp(new
MueLu::Hierarchy<ST, LO, LLT, NO, LMO> (mueluA));

        out << "Begin setup of Heirarchy ..." << std::endl;


        out << "Finished setup of Hierarchy ..." << std::endl;

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