[Trilinos-Users] Installation on Windows?

Laurent Griesser laurent.griesser at gmail.com
Wed Aug 13 14:07:16 MDT 2014


I have performed the Trilinos installation on both an Ubuntu Linux
distribution and Windows 8.1. I have selected the following packages (among

* amesos
* aztecoo
* belos
* epetra
* galeri
* ifpack
* kokkos
* isorropia
* sacado
* teucho
* tpetra

Now, on Ubuntu, everything is compiled. I mean, I asked to produce the
package libs, tests, and examples. On Windows, while the libs are compiled,
many tests failed compiling. I have linked the trilinos packages with
CLapack. The compilation always fails because of the linking with

Do you have any precompiled lapack/blas library that works for trilinos on
windows 8 (64 bits) ?

Any hints how to make that work?

Thank you for your advice,

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