[Trilinos-Users] Using SerialComm when MPI is enabled

Eric Marttila eric.marttila at thermoanalytics.com
Mon Sep 9 20:34:25 MDT 2013


Is it possible to use Trilinos in serial mode even when it is 
compiled with MPI turned on?

I have some code that runs in parallel (using MPI) for some of 
its operation, but I want to use just a single process for a 
second part of the application, and this second part involves the  
execution of an AztecOO solve.  I thought I could do this by 
using Epetra_SerialComm instead of Epetra_MpiComm when setting up 
my AztecOO solve.

However, when running a solve I get an error from AztecOO:
AztecOO::SetProcConfig ERROR, failed to dynamic_cast Comm to 
Epetra_MpiComm. dynamic_cast of Comm() failed

Does anyone know of a work-around to this problem?  Or do I have 
to build trilinos without MPI support to do what I need to do?

Thank you,   

Eric A. Marttila
ThermoAnalytics, Inc.
Email: Eric.Marttila at ThermoAnalytics.com
Phone: 810-636-2443

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