[Trilinos-Users] Isoropia/Zoltan2 for general graph partitioning / TBB

Sean C McDuffee scmcduff at blueskystudios.com
Fri May 17 09:39:51 MDT 2013


I have a graph of a problem which I'd like to do a balanced partition on 
to map a communication pattern to a multicore cpu/shared memory 
machine.  Is it best to use Isoropia with a Epetra_CrsGraph for which 
I've made a custom Epetra_Comm object that represents my cpu and extract 
the communication information out of that?  Or, is there an easier route 
with Tpetra, Kokkos, and Zoltan2?  The communication pattern is 
eventually something I'd use TBB with.


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