[Trilinos-Users] (no subject)

C.S. Natarajan csnataraj at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 21:06:16 MDT 2013

Dear All,
          I am trying to use Aztec as a smoother inside ML, which is used
as a preconditioner for Belos. When i try to set the parameters using the
snippet below, ML simply ignores the options and goes with the default. (DD
with 0 fill and 0 overlap).
It seems that I am doing something wrong here, can someone please point me
in the correct direction?

               RCP<vector<int> > options = rcp(new
                RCP<vector<double> > params = rcp(new
                (*options)[AZ_precond] = AZ_dom_decomp;
                (*options)[AZ_subdomain_solve] = AZ_icc;
                (*params)[AZ_athresh] = 1e03;
                (*options)[AZ_overlap] = 1;

                ParameterList MLList;
                MLList.set("max levels", max_levels);
                MLList.set("prec type", PC);
                MLList.set("aggregation: type (level 0)", agg1);
                MLList.set("aggregation: type (level 1)", agg2);
                MLList.set("aggregation: type (level 2)", agg3);
                MLList.set("smoother: damping factor", damp);
                MLList.set("smoother: sweeps", smoother_sweeps);
                MLList.set("smoother: pre or post", "both");
                MLList.set("coarse: type",coarse_solve);
                MLList.set("coarse: max processes", 64);
                MLList.set("ML output",10);
                MLList.set("aggregation: threshold", agg_thresh);
                MLList.set("smoother: type", ml_smoother0);
                MLList.set("smoother: Aztec options", options);
                MLList.set("smoother: Aztec params", params);

output :

Smoother (level 0) : # global rows = 77579048, # estim. global nnz =
Smoother (level 0) : Aztec DD, overlap=0, reord, ILU(fill=0), both
Smoother (level 0) : Setup time : 0.0488591 (s)

Smoother (level 1) : # global rows = 9748032, # estim. global nnz =
Smoother (level 1) : Aztec DD, overlap=0, reord, ILU(fill=0), both
Smoother (level 1) : Setup time : 0.00138903 (s)

Smoother (level 2) : # global rows = 1097693, # estim. global nnz = 70568171
Smoother (level 2) : Aztec DD, overlap=0, reord, ILU(fill=0), both
Smoother (level 2) : Setup time : 0.000765085 (s)

Amesos (level 3) : NumGlobalRows = 74
Amesos (level 3) : NumGlobalNonzeros = 522
Amesos (level 3) : Fill-in = 9.53251 %
Amesos (level 3) : Building SuperLU_DIST
Amesos (level 3) : Time for factorization  = 0.00725102 (s)

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