[Trilinos-Users] Memory allocation error

Daniel Kanewske danielkanewske at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 08:45:16 MDT 2013

As things stand  if I use Nb_Ele_No = 34;, then Nb_Edg.Size(Nb_Ele_No);
then the memory allocation error occurs after Mesh2dPreBndry.  If I use 35
then Nb_Edg.Size(Nb_Ele_No); causes the malloc error.  If I
assign Nb_Edg.Size(Nb_Ele_No); in main then Nb_Ele.Shape(Nb_Ele_No,2);
crashes.  If I pull Nb_Ele.Shape(Nb_Ele_No,2); into main,
then  Mesh2dPreBndry crashes before std::cout << "In PreMesh" << endl;.
 All with malloc errors.  This malloc error is propagating back up the
program as I remove lines of execution from Mesh2dPreBndry and place them
in main.  If I switch the order call **Mesh2dPreBndry before Mesh2dVelBndry
then both programs execute and I get a malloc error later in the program.
 This is all very strange.

** **

I have checked again and again.  Everything seems to be declared correctly.
 I can't figure it out.  Any help would be appreciated.****

** **



** **

// Main program for my 2D FEM model of viscco-elastic fluid flow.****

** **

#include "Epetra_ConfigDefs.h"****

#ifdef HAVE_MPI****

#include "mpi.h"****

#include "Epetra_MpiComm.h"****


#include "Epetra_SerialComm.h"****


** **

#include "Epetra_SerialDenseVector.h"****

#include "Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector.h"****

#include "Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix.h"****

#include "Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix.h"****

#include "Epetra_SerialDenseSolver.h"****

** **

#include <fstream>****

#include "Mesh2d.h"****

#include "Mesh2dPreBndry.h"****

#include "Mesh2dVelBndry.h"****

#include "Boundary2d.h"****

#include "Assembly.h"****

#include "QuadPtWt.h"****

#include "InitialVel.h"****

#include "InitialStr.h"****

#include "ElementNeigh.h"****

#include "Conformation.h"****

#include "DepartureInfo.h"****

** **

typedef Epetra_SerialDenseMatrix E_SDM;****

typedef Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix E_ISDM;****

typedef Epetra_SerialDenseVector E_SDV;****

typedef Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector E_ISDV;****

** **


const int NX = 10;                              // Number of element
intervals in the horizontal direction****

const int NY = 10;****

const int NGP = 4;                              // Number of Gauss points
in numerical quadrature, used on the boundary****

const int N_TRI_QUAD = 4;             // Number of Gauss points in
numerical quadrature, used in the element****

const int MAX_TIME_STEP_NUM = 100;  // Maximum number of time interations***

const int VEL_FLAG = 2;                              // Program flags****

const int PRE_FLAG = 1;****

const double XL = 0.0;                                   // coordinate of
left boundary element****

const double XR = 1.0;                                   // coordinate of
right boundary element****

const double YB = 0.0;                                   // Coordinate of
the bottom boundary of the domain.****

const double YT = 1.0;                                   // Coordinate of
the top boundary of the domain.****

const double RE = 1.0;                                   // Reynold's
Number                                                 ****

const double NEW_VIS = 1.0;                       // Newtonian Viscosity

const double TIMESTEP = 1.0;                     // Time
Step                                                               ****

const double TOL = 0.00000000001; // Is this good?****

const double ALPHA = 1.0;              ****

const double BETA = 1.0;                 ****

** **

int main(int argc, char *argv[])****


#ifdef HAVE_MPI****

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);****

  Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);****


  Epetra_SerialComm Comm;****



  // variable decalrations****

  // Velocity Related****

  // Velocity is NNMX2, Depart_Vel is Gaus_Pt_NumX2****

  E_SDM Vel, Vel_New, Vel_Glxy, Depart_Vel;****

  E_ISDM Vel_Nod, Vel_Nb_Ele;****

  E_SDV Vel_Norm;****

  E_ISDV Vel_Eb_Node, Vel_Nb_Edg;****

  int Vel_Npe, Vel_Nb_Ele_No, Vel_Eb_Node_No, Vel_Nnm;****

  double Vel_Tol;****


  // Presure Related****

  E_SDM Pre_Glxy;****

  E_ISDM Pre_Nod, Pre_Nb_Ele;****

  E_ISDV Pre_Eb_Node, Pre_Nb_Edg;****

  E_SDV Pre, Pre_Norm, Pre_New;****

  int Pre_Npe, Pre_Nb_Ele_No, Pre_Eb_Node_No, Pre_Nnm;****

  double Pre_Tol;****


  // There are no essential pressure B.C.s but so that I do not have to
write a second Boundary2d program****

  // I will still need these variables as input parameters.****


  Pre_Eb_Node(0) = 0;****

  Pre_Eb_Node_No = 0;****


  // Stress Related****

  // Stess is NNMX3, Depart_Str is Gaus_Pt_NumX3****

  E_SDM Str, Str_New, Depart_Str;****

  E_SDV c, F2;****


  // Other****

  E_SDM GAUSPT, GAUSWT, Tri_Quad_Pt, A, AC, D;****

  E_ISDM Ele_Neigh;****

  E_SDV F1, FC, x, Tri_Quad_Wt;****

  int Nem, L, n, Gauss_Pt_Num; // L, n are counters****

  double dx, dy;****




  Nem = 2*NX*NY; // Number of triangular nodes in the mesh.****


  // Step sizes****

  dx = (XR - XL) / NX;           // mesh size in the x direction****

  dy = (YT - YB) / NY;           // mesh size in the y direction****


  // preprocessor, generate mesh and connectivity matrix****

  Mesh2d(dx, ****




            YB, ****

            YT, ****

            NX, ****

            NY, ****

            VEL_FLAG, ****

            Nem, ****

            Vel_Nnm, ****

            Vel_Npe, ****

            Vel_Glxy, ****



  Mesh2d(dx, ****

            dy, ****

            XL, ****

            XR, ****

            YB, ****

            YT, ****

            NX, ****

            NY, ****

            PRE_FLAG, ****

            Nem, ****

            Pre_Nnm, ****

            Pre_Npe, ****

            Pre_Glxy, ****



  // Solution vectors****

  x.Size(2*Vel_Nnm + Pre_Nnm);****



  // Velocity, Pressure and Stress Data****



  Str.Shape(Pre_Nnm,3); // Only Pre_Nnm, 3 because the stress is symmetric**


  std::cout << "Here before MeshVel" << endl;****


  Mesh2dVelBndry(NX, ****


                        Vel_Nb_Ele_No, ****

                        Vel_Nb_Ele, ****

                        Vel_Nb_Edg, ****

                        Vel_Eb_Node_No, ****



  std::cout << "Here after MeshVel" << endl;****


  // Pre_Nb_Ele.Shape(2 * (NX + NY),2);****

  // Pre_Nb_Edg.Size(2 * (NX + NY));****


  Mesh2dPreBndry(NX, ****


                        Pre_Nb_Ele_No, ****

                        Pre_Nb_Ele, ****


** **

  std::cout << "Here after MeshPre" << endl;****




  return 0;****


** **

// Pressure Boundary Mesh for parallel plate problem****

//         Nb_Ele_No: number of elements with Natural BC****

//         Nb_Ele: element list with natural BC, array of size Nb_Ele_Nox2**

//           Nb_Ele(I,1): element index of I-th Natural boundary element****

//           Nb_Ele(I,2): number of natural boundary condition edges with
NBC in I-th boundary element****

//         Nb_Edg: local edge number of the boundary element, array of size*

//           Nb_Ele_Nox2, NB_EDG(I,j) = local edge number of j-th****

//                 boundary edge in I-the boundary element, 1 <= j <=

** **

// First the left side, then bottom plate, then the right side, and then
the top plate.****

** **

#include <cmath>****

#include "Mesh2dPreBndry.h"****

#include "Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix.h"****

#include "Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector.h"****

** **

typedef Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix E_ISDM;****

typedef Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector E_ISDV;****

** **

void Mesh2dPreBndry(int NX, ****

                           int NY,****

                           int & Nb_Ele_No, ****

                           E_ISDM & Nb_Ele, ****

                           E_ISDV & Nb_Edg){****


  std::cout << "In PreMesh" << endl;****


  // natural boundary condition****

  Nb_Ele_No = 34; // 35 crashes // 2 * (NX + NY);****

  std::cout << "Before Shape" << endl;****


  std::cout << "After Shape" << endl;****


** **

  std::cout << "After Size" << endl;****





** **

// Velocity Boundary Mesh for parallel plate problem****

//         Nb_Ele_No: number of elements with Natural BC****

//         Nb_Ele: element list with natural BC, array of size Nb_Ele_Nox2**

//           Nb_Ele(I,1): element index of I-th Natural boundary element****

//           Nb_Ele(I,2): number of natural boundary condition edges with
NBC in I-th boundary element****

//         Nb_Edg: local edge number of the boundary element, array of size*

//           Nb_Ele_Nox2, NB_EDG(I,j) = local edge number of j-th****

//                 boundary edge in I-the boundary element, 1 <= j <=

//         Eb_Node_No: number of nodes with Essential BCs****

//         Eb_Node: global node number of EBC node, array of size

** **

// First the left side, then bottom plate, then the right side, and then
the top plate.****

** **

#include "Mesh2dVelBndry.h"****

#include "Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix.h"****

#include "Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector.h"****

** **

typedef Epetra_IntSerialDenseMatrix E_ISDM;****

typedef Epetra_IntSerialDenseVector E_ISDV;****

** **

void Mesh2dVelBndry(int NX, ****

                           int NY,****

                           int & Nb_Ele_No, ****

                           E_ISDM & Nb_Ele, ****

                           E_ISDV & Nb_Edg, ****

                           int & Eb_Node_No, ****

                           E_ISDV & Eb_Node) {****


  // natural boundary condition****

  Nb_Ele_No = 2*(NX+NY);****




  for(int i = 0; i <= Nb_Ele_No - 1; i++)****


    Nb_Ele(i,0) = 0;****

    Nb_Ele(i,1) = 0;****


    Nb_Edg(i) = 0;****


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