[Trilinos-Users] Thyra::LinearOp Block matrices

Einar Otnes eotnes at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 10:44:23 MST 2012

Dear experts,
I've been trying to construct blocky matrices using Thyra::PhysicallyBlockedLinearOpBase and I'm struggling a bit with understanding the error message below
as it complains about non-compatible vector spaces between the blocky operator and the vectors it operates on. From what I can read from the messages below is that I have
"compatible" vector spaces. Or have I missed something?

The output from throwing the instance follows below.

Thanks for all your help.

Einar Otnes

Error message follows:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Thyra::Exceptions::IncompatibleVectorSpaces'
  what():  /dd/packages/trilinos/10.10.1/gcc/64/debug/include/Thyra_DefaultBlockedLinearOp_def.hpp:447:

Throw number = 1

Throw test that evaluated to true: !l_isCompatible


Spaces check failed for *this * X_in and &*Y_inout:

Error, the following vector spaces are not compatible:

 (*this).range() : Thyra::DefaultProductVectorSpace<float>{dim=4,numBlocks=2}
   Constituent vector spaces V[0], V[1], ... V[numBlocks-1]:
    V[0] = Thyra::TpetraVectorSpace<float, int, int, Kokkos::TPINode>{globalDim=2,localSubDim=2,localOffset=0,comm=Teuchos::SerialComm<long int>}
    V[1] = Thyra::TpetraVectorSpace<float, int, int, Kokkos::TPINode>{globalDim=2,localSubDim=2,localOffset=0,comm=Teuchos::SerialComm<long int>}

 *(&*Y_inout)->range() : Thyra::TpetraVectorSpace<float, int, int, Kokkos::TPINode>{globalDim=4,localSubDim=4,localOffset=0,comm=Teuchos::SerialComm<long int>}

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