[Trilinos-Users] Why does Anasazi bail out early?

Nico Schlömer nico.schloemer at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 17:02:39 MDT 2012


I'm trying to use Anasazi for computing a bunch of SM eigenvalues, and
while things compile and run fine, the iterations always aborts
prematurely without indicating what went wrong. If the tolerance is,
say, 1.0e-15, a typical last block of output (with verbosity
Anasazi::IterationDetails + Anasazi::Errors + Anasazi::Warnings +
Anasazi::StatusTestDetails + Anasazi::Debug + Anasazi::FinalSummary)
would be

=========================== *snip* ===========================

                         BlockKrylovSchur Solver Status

The solver is initialized.
The number of iterations performed is 110
The block size is         2
The number of blocks is   10
The current basis size is 20
The number of auxiliary vectors is 0
The number of operations Op*x   is 220

          Ritz Value       Ritz Residual
        8.075243e+00        5.120182e-04
        8.063177e+00        4.056698e-04
        8.063150e+00        3.596635e-03
        8.050790e+00        1.081923e-02
        8.042772e+00        9.878716e-03
        8.027045e+00        4.533151e-02
        8.015636e+00        4.997743e-02
        8.014430e+00        1.482199e-02
        7.983605e+00        6.111459e-02
        7.963543e+00        5.082745e-02

Returning 0 eigenpairs to eigenproblem.
=========================== *snap* ===========================

Note how the tolerance isn't met.
How can I find out what's going on?


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