[Trilinos-Users] Trilinos 10.12 is released

Willenbring, James M jmwille at sandia.gov
Fri Aug 17 19:44:42 MDT 2012

Trilinos 10.12 is available for download.
Below is a summary of the release.

Trilinos 10.12 includes one new package, Trios, and enhancements to many existing packages.

Overview: The Trilinos Project is an effort to develop algorithms and enabling technologies within an open source object-oriented software framework for the solution of large-scale, complex multi-physics engineering and scientific problems.

Packages: The Trilinos 10.12 general release contains 51 packages: Amesos, Amesos2, Anasazi, AztecOO, Belos, CTrilinos, Didasko, Epetra, EpetraExt, FEI, ForTrilinos, Galeri, GlobiPack, Ifpack, Ifpack2, Intrepid, Isorropia, Kokkos, Komplex, LOCA, Mesquite, ML, Moertel, MOOCHO, NOX, Optika, OptiPack, Pamgen, Phalanx, Piro, Pliris, PyTrilinos, RTOp, Rythmos, Sacado, SEACAS, Shards, STK, Stokhos, Stratimikos, Sundance, Teko, Teuchos, ThreadPool, Thyra, Tpetra, TriKota, TrilinosCouplings, Trios, Triutils, Zoltan.

Trilinos 10.12 download: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/download/trilinos-10.12.html
Release notes: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/release_notes-10.12.html
Trilinos website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov

On behalf of the Trilinos development team,

Jim Willenbring
Brent Perschbacher
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