[Trilinos-Users] bug report in trilinos 10.8.2 - Epetra_FECrsMatrix::GlobalAssemble()

Jordi Cotela jcotela at cimne.upc.edu
Tue Oct 11 11:18:50 MDT 2011

Dear all,
this is to signal an issue we have encountered when upgrading to 
trilinos 10.8. In this release, the possibility to use a different 
Epetra_combineMode in calls to GlobalAssemble() was introduced following 
our past petition. Unfortunately, a bug is present in line 530 of 
Epetra_FECrsMatrix.cpp. It originally read

   return( GlobalAssemble(DomainMap(), RangeMap(), callFillComplete), 
combineMode );

while the correct version is

   return( GlobalAssemble(DomainMap(), RangeMap(), callFillComplete, 
combineMode ));

(note the closing parenthesis after callFillComplete). In fact, we are 
surprised that the current code compiles.

this represents a problem for us since we need to patch the trilinos to 
use this feature.
Could you give a hint about when the next bugfix release will be published?

aside of this is there any currently ongoing effort to package the 
latest trilinos in deb or rpm?

thank you
Jordi & Riccardo

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