[Trilinos-Users] Problem building Trilinos-10.8 with Trikota/Stokhos

Phipps, Eric T etphipp at sandia.gov
Tue Oct 4 13:41:33 MDT 2011

Hi Dustin,

You can probably get around the ampl error by disabling ampl when TriKota configures Dakota.  I think you can do this by adding


to packages/TriKota/src/CMakeLists.txt around line 76 and removing "amplsolver" from the list of libraries to link in on line 151 of that file.  You should check that is the proper flag though by running "./configure --help" in the top-level Dakota source tree.  Alternatively, you can try and figure out where "sysdetails_ASL" is coming from.  Looking at the link line for the Dakota executable might help, since presumably that succeeds (and so the library containing that symbol must be in the link there).  Running

ldd –r /home/dustin/trilinos-10.8.0-Source/build/packages/TriKota/Dakota/install/lib/libamplsolver.so

to look at all of the libraries libamplsolver.so wants to link to might also help.

For the stokhos error, can you look at the link of libstokhos.so and see if the Dakota install directory is listed there?  You may have to run "make VERBOSE=1" to see the link line, depending on how configured Trilinos.
If it isn't there (which I assume it isn't), adding the following to packages/stokhos/src/CMakeLists.txt might help:


We are working on a setting up TriKota to use new CMake infrastructure in Dakota, which gets around a lot of these issues.  However I don't believe Dakota distributes their CMake build infrastructure yet, so I don't think you can use it.


From: Dustin Langewisch <dustinl at mit.edu<mailto:dustinl at mit.edu>>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 22:41:09 -0400
To: trilinos-users <trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov<mailto:trilinos-users at software.sandia.gov>>
Subject: [Trilinos-Users] Problem building Trilinos-10.8 with Trikota/Stokhos


I've been trying to build the latest release (10.8) of Trilinos with TriKota and Stokhos but have been unsuccessful and am hoping someone can give me some advice. After many attempts I am left with the following errors:

/home/dustin/trilinos-10.8.0-Source/build/packages/TriKota/Dakota/install/lib/libamplsolver.so: undefined reference to `sysdetails_ASL'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [packages/TriKota/test/TriKota_SimpleEpetraExtME.exe] Error 1
make[1]: *** [packages/TriKota/test/CMakeFiles/TriKota_SimpleEpetraExtME.dir/all] Error 2

make[2]: *** [packages/TriKota/test/TriKota_ParallelDiagonalThyraME.exe] Error 1
make[1]: *** [packages/TriKota/test/CMakeFiles/TriKota_ParallelDiagonalThyraME.dir/all] Error 2

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldakota
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [packages/stokhos/src/libstokhos.so] Error 1
make[1]: *** [packages/stokhos/src/CMakeFiles/stokhos.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

I'm following the same approach I used to successfully (after many, many attempts) install Trilinos 10.6, but I have now switched to the latest stable release of Dakota. This got me through the "-fPIC" errors, but I can't seem to get around the errors listed above. By removing "-D Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON" from my configure script I can avoid the "undefined reference to 'sysdetails_ASL'" error, but I suspect that such an approach might just be covering up the problem.

However, I can't seem to get Stokhos to locate the dakota library. dakota.so exists in .../packages/TriKota/dakota/install, so it appears that Dakota is being build, but I can't seem to get Stokhos to recognize it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. FYI, I'm installing on Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit).


Dustin Langewisch
dustinl at mit.edu<mailto:dustinl at mit.edu>

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