[Trilinos-Users] Help with Thyra::solve and Thyra::SolveStatus

Alberto F. Martín-Huertas amartin at cimne.upc.edu
Wed Nov 2 11:50:18 MDT 2011

 Dear Trilinos-Users,

 my codes are using Stratimikos+Thyra as a common
 entry point for accessing solvers and preconditioners
 in Trilinos. At a particular point in my program, I would like to
 retrieve status information from the underlying iterative solver, such 
 the number of iterations, the 2-norm of the converged residual, etc.
 I am aware that this information is provided on output in a 
 object. However, when I print the returned Thyra::SolveStatus to stdout
 I always get the following output:

 [1,0]<stdout>: solveStatus = SOLVE_STATUS_UNKNOWN
 [1,0]<stdout>: achievedTol = unknownTolerance()
 [1,0]<stdout>: message:
 [1,0]<stdout>:  AztecOO solver unconverged on m = 1 RHSs using 0 
 cumulative iterations for an average of 0 iterations/RHS and total CPU 
 time of 3.36765 sec.
 [1,0]<stdout>: extraParameters: NONE

 and it seems that this output is always the same independently
 on whether the iterative method converged or not.
 I am also aware of the existence of the Thyra::SolveCriteria
 object, which is somehow linked with Thyra::SolveStatus. I am
 not using the former at all in my codes. If it is a must to
 use the former to get the status of the solver from Thyra::solve,
 I do not understand how this object has to be set conformally with
 the solve criteria prescribed on the xml file for the concrete Thyra
 solver adapters, such as AztecOO (find attached the xml file
 I used to produce the output listed above).

 Thanks in advance for your help.

 Best regards,

 Alberto F. Martín-Huertas
 Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria (CIMNE)
 Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia, UPC
 Esteve Terrades 5, Building C3, Office 210,
 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona, Spain)
 Tel.: (+34) 9341 34223
 e-mail: amartin at cimne.upc.edu

 All personal data contained on this mail will be processed 
 confidentially and registered in a file property of CIMNE in
 order to manage corporate communications. You may exercise the rights 
 of access, rectification, erasure and object by
 letter sent to Ed. C1 Campus Norte UPC. Gran Capitán s/n Barcelona.
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