[Trilinos-Users] time cost by AztecOO::Iterate(int MaxIters, double Tolerance)

Henian Xia xiahenian at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 12:11:15 MDT 2011

Hello everyone,
In my application, I have to call AztecOO::Iterate(int MaxIters,double
Tolerance) to solve the equation Ax=b. There is output like below when
calling this function:

        ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix
        ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution
        ***** 1 step block Jacobi
        ***** No scaling
                iter:    0           residual = 1.000000e+00
                iter:   41           residual = 3.345028e-08
                iter:   42           residual = 2.219359e-08
                iter:   43           residual = 1.459019e-08
                iter:   44           residual = 9.729064e-09
        Solution time: 0.051379 (sec.)
        total iterations: 44*

But I found that the displayed "Solution time" was sometimes much smaller
than the real time. For example, I used the following simple code to time
the calling to that method.

*double ttemp3 = MPI_Wtime();
(*solver).Iterate(2000, 1.0E-8);
double ttemp4 = MPI_Wtime();
double timeUsedByCallingIterate = ttemp4 - ttemp3;*

Especially when I use multiple CPUs, such as 960 cores, the difference
between the calculated "timeUsedByCallingIterate" and the output "Solution
time" can be huge. Why is this happening please?

Thank you,
Henian Xia
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of MABE
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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